The Courtship and Marriage of Sir Alexander Cross and Lady Katherine Milton

Turnsheet 0

William Milton, Duke of Somerset

An extract from the character background.

[…] At the age of 18 William met Elizabeth, his wife to be, and a year later they married. A year after that their first and only child was born, named Katherine. However, from that point on Elizabeth was struck by an illness from which she never fully recovered. She bore no more children and finally succumbed to her illness a few years later.

Katherine's birth came only a few years after the introduction of the Act of Rights and Equals. Katherine was raised in this new age and her education was as good as any man’s, much to the unspoken dismay of William's father. He was somewhat placated though by the concentration of her studies on many things that he considered “womanly”. Looking ahead William was well aware that with the death of his wife it was set that Katherine would be his sole heir and that the Dukedom would fall to her and she needed to be strong enough to deal with this. […]

Turnsheet 1

Musings of the Demon Mammon residing within Sir Richard Molyneux

In response to a letter from Don Santiago de Maldonado proposing to attack Dutch colonies in the Orient with the cooperation of Sir Richard Molyneux and Luca Braganza. Written by Ann.

Mammon reads through the mail going “Obvious, obvious, oh well done (rather sarcastically)….what?!”

“So, we are to lose allies in the war against the Spanish, likely lose the possibility of the Lady Karin's dowry, also aid them [the Spanish] and this gentleman, and he seems to believe that what we gain ourselves would be sufficient reward? Now, attacking a colony under the -Spanish- flag, killing most of the residents so there's noone to tell inconvenient stories, then going in under the English one and helping to rebuild whilst of course maintaining an armed presence there to assist them should the Spanish butchers come again and taking a cut from the profits to pay for them, and gradually infiltrating might be an option. Though technically illegal. Perhaps if Sir Luca could be persuaded to do it with no involvement from you in the initial attack, but plenty from Don Santiago, then if anything went wrong simply claim ignorance and the best intentions.

“That, or simply use this plan after Spain is ours. Incidentally do look into how much of a dowry Lady Karin comes with, your hand in marriage could be a very valuable asset. Somerset's daughter might be a good match, certainly if she comes with an amount appropriate for her father's holdings. How old are you willing to go? I wonder if the Directress is married.”

And later, about a minute before the Luncheon Friends meet.

“Oh, and I, or rather you, invited the Lady Jessica Burbane along. Be nice.”

The name rings bells - she's the Earl of Newbury's daughter, and known for her virtue.


“Have you met Katherine of Somerset, the Duke's daughter? A most delectable girl, I hear she's of marriageable age, and the Duke is most wealthy…”

Turnsheet 2

Invite some people to my estate for a few days

An extract from the turnsheet of Lord William Milton, Duke of Somerset.

I invited [the Ambassador of Zilmatillia] to my estate for a few days to see a bit of English life outside the city and to try to see if there are any easy items on her list that may be completed. The idea is partly a goodwill thing and also an opportunity for others to spend time with her in order to try to make business deals and such like if they wish. To this end I have also invited Sir Richard Molyneux and the Baroness Wargrave. However, it's a chance to introduce my daughter to more people. Especially Richard Molyneux. I am not sure why he is quite so low ranking in the company so I am a little wary of him but he is incredibly well respected which is a good thing. I'm not really trying to do much though apart from invite people round, go hunting with them, all the usual things that you do with guests.

Visiting Somerset

An extract from the turnsheet response of Sir Richard Molyneux. Written by Ann.

You meet him and his daughter, Katherine, and have a nice little chat. He seems to be keen you get on with her. The Ambassador fails to turn up, but she's probably at some far end of the countryside being shown sheep so never mind. Katherine is rather charming and very intelligent. She seems to have a good head for management and follows your conversations with her father, adding in the occasional comment of her own.

It should be noted this is after your engagement1).

Mammon is oddly quiet whilst you're there, however when you return home he does talk about the Lady Katherine rather a lot. Her father's money, for sure, but also speculating as to what will happen when she comes in charge of it, rather than just going ooh-money-pretty. If he were human you'd almost think he was smitten.

Turnsheet 3

A Talk with Mammon

An extract from the turnsheet response of Sir Richard Molyneux. Written by Ann.

He sulks a little, but is placated, particularly by the repeated mentions of the dowry. Lady Jessica he wasn't terribly bothered about – just some girl with money. Lady Katherine (daughter of the Duke of Somerset) however, he really does like. He'd be very grateful if you could set him up with a handy body which isn't yours he could go travelling in and use to speak to her. Oh, and an identity. He assures you he won't do anything too inappropriate, he just would like to spend some time talking shop with someone who isn't you for a while.

Turnsheet 4

Daughter Kidnapped by Spaniards

An extract from the turnsheet response of Lord William Milton, Duke of Somerset. Written by Ivan.

Your daughter Katherine is kidnapped by vile Spaniards! She was visiting the Countess of Torquay, where it appears she had a pleasant social evening and was riding back home, when she and her guards were waylaid. From evidence you gather it appears that a ship flying Italian colours, presumably false, was moored off the coast and landed a large number of troops who waited in ambush for her to pass. Most of the guards were slaughtered but two badly injured survivors confirm that the attackers spoke Spanish.

You believe that she's still alive and they will attempt to use her to blackmail you into ceasing your actions against their government.

You search her correspondence for clues.

Unfortunately you don't find anything that indicates who took her or why. It does confirm your daughter as a good-natured responsible young adult, though there are a few things that raise the hairs on the back of your neck it's no worse than some of things you got up to in your youth. (Nonetheless you should probably have a word with her maid about helping Katherine slip out to barn dances.)

The main item of interest is recent correspondence with a young gentleman in London. There's nothing suspicious as such; no declarations of undying love or secret plots or even gossip. Instead it seems to be a long conversation between your daughter and this gentleman on the subjects of finance and trade. Whoever it is seems to be a master of money and more than willing to teach your daughter everything there is to know about speculation, trade and controlling the pork-bellies futures market, but they've signed their letters with an obvious pen-name. You don't think it's connected to the Spanish, or at least you can't see how it could be since they never discuss Elizabeth's movements or even such extraneous details as her health, but it is a little odd.

(Note that it really is talk. Your daughter has not been spending either your money or her own on these matters, if appears she's just interested in the whole subject.)

You haven't received any further intelligence or a ransom demand yet.

Sir Richard Molyneux teaches the Art of Finance


An extract from the turnsheet of Sir Richard Molyneux.

I'll find a nice commoner to train up in the art of finance, seeing as it seems to be all the fashion at the moment. By that, I mean a commoner who knows how to hold emself in society, but who doesn't have a clue about finance and thinks speculating is a form of magic. That way, the blackouts from when M gets off my back shouldn't seem so bizarre, but ey'll know that kind of thing is just not talked about… If I don't have the [time] to do this properly, I'd rather put it off until I do–I don't want to be accused of cheating on Dame Karin already, or to have someone blabbing about demons to all and sundry.


Written by Ann.

You pick out a pretty enough body for Mammon, and proceed to teach him about how finance works. Or rather, how he can assist with these magical spells and such, and shouldn't be worried about any blackouts.

This all works rather well, until you're reading one day (towards the end of the turn), and Mammon screams in your head “GONE?!” and then the boy runs off at great speed.

A few days later the boy returns, very impressed with the feat of finance you performed which transported him to York.

You don't hear from Mammon again before Court. So far you've managed to get along OK getting various servants to read and write things for you because you're too lazy (er, sorry, rich) to do it yourself. You're probably going to have to get a trusted member of staff to help you though, next turn.

Turnsheet 5


Joining the Rescue

Colonel de Vries,

I understand that you are Leading an Attempt to Rescue Duke Milton's daughter from the hands of the Foul Spanish. I Wondered whether you would Consider taking my Brother, Captain James Cross, upon this mission, and if it please you then I would Accompany the group Myself, as Duke Milton is a Good Friend of mine and I find myself Outraged by the Cowardice of these Kidnappers.

On an Unrelated Note, I shall have the Dragon's Blood and Sword Hilt brought to your Estate with all Speed that you may Demonstrate once more your Mastery of the Arts Alchemical.

As ever your Friend and Servant,

Sir Alexander Cross, MP

Grudging Permission

Sir Cross,

That is indeed the case. I am planning on taking a number of Dragoons with me and if he is willing I would most happily ensure your brother is amongst them, as I hear his skill with a sword is exceptional. If you wish to accompany yourself I would strongly suggest you keep at least well out of the fray, as I am sure you understand the actual raid itself will be a dangerous undertaking. I will, however, need the aid of those with more academic skills to study the layout of where she is being held and help formulate a plan of attack and if you can aid in any way with such matters that may prove useful.

I will begin work on the sword as soon as possible.

Once again my apologies that affairs on my own estate mean I shall not be able to accompany you to Jerusalem this season. Nevertheless, I wish you success on your pilgrimage.


Colonel de Vries

Family Support

Dearest Brother,

The Vile Spanish have Kidnapped Duke Milton's Daughter and locked her away in some Dark Fortress. Colonel de Vries and I are resolved to Rescue her, No Matter the Cost! The Colonel has Indicated that I should hang at the back at Stay out of the Fighting; but You and I both Know that men of the Cross Family are not Suited to Skulking when there are Spaniards to be Spitted!

I'll need to Prove to the Colonel that I'm just as Capable in front of the Enemy as his Dragoons. The Family's Reputation is at stake After All. Can you therefore spare some time from your Soldiering to Train me once more in the Noble Art of Cutting People's Heads Off?

I hope to See you Soon, a Sword in Hand and Ready to Face the Foe!

Your brother,


P.S. I took care of that Tiresome Tailor; he won't Bother you with his Unmanly Mewling again.


Brother Alexander,

The Viscount de Vries is a most heroic and honourable fighter of the Dragoons and not easily pleased. It is pleasing that you want to show yourself in a better light and in such an honourable pursuit as the rescue of a damsel in distress.

I am required to train my own new troops within the Regiment now that we are returned to England and cannot devote much time to this I am afraid, but I will make sure to call on you at the earliest opportunity for lessons.

I hope that, if I am permitted by my own Colonel, or if Viscount de Vries would requisition me for this task, I could accompany you on this task.

Captain Cross
Earl of Essex' Dragoons

Rescuing Milton's Daughter


An extract from the turnsheet of Sir Alexander Cross, MP.

So the Spanish think they can just steal English women with impunity do they? Outrageous. Now normally this wouldn't be sufficient reason for Alex to get out of bed, but this strikes him as a good opportunity to shut his brother up for a good long time about him being nothing but a 'wimpy politician'. Peace and quiet, that's worth fighting for.

First up James should arrive to provide some quick instruction in swordplay. Then with my Shining Sharp Sword and Lights A Spark at Range device (bought from Dame Fiametta) in hand, I'll head off with him to join the Colonel and his lads. Then it's just a matter of some daring-do and killing a few Spaniards.

Oh and because Alex hasn't horribly sabotaged his own best interests yet- once we have rescued the Lady then Alex will attempt to accidentally win the girl's heart with his dashing wit. Probably best not to bring up the fact that he has the hots for her dead mother (who presumably is not that much 'older' than her now). Wow, this is going to be horrible whether it succeeds or fails. Awesome!


You fall in behind Edward de Vries in his cunning plan and are pleased to be granted some chance to prove yourself to the Viscount and your Brother. de Vries instructs his soldiers to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't kill yourself, but once you have change to show off the skills you're learning it seems he is more confident to leave you to do your own thing.

Captain James laughs heartily while banging Spaniards together by the helmet. “Look, brother, this is how it’s done! None of this poncy writing poetry and attending parliamentary debates! HUZZAH!”

You rescue Katherine from the fortress, just then the powder-store blows and the fortress starts to crumble to the ground, Edward leading the mad dash out of the castle as swirls of cherry-blossom from the courtyard trees (utterly detonated by shrapnel) fill the air as no-one is sure whether she’s alive or dead…

Hedging all bets and doing your very best to be the right person at the right time and with the right girl in your arms (she has to be carefully manoeuvred out of your brother's) you… accidentally win the girl’s heart with your dashing wit. It helps that a chicken-coop is destroyed by the powder explosions and feathers rain down as you stare into each other's eyes.

Fortunately everyone is very much alive and happy and soon delivering the Duke's daughter back to him.


On My Travels Abroad by Sir Alexander Cross

…Naturally I was Appalled to hear that a fine English Flower had been Carried off by the Vile Spanish, and so I resolved that Action should be taken. My Brother, Captain James Cross, was Much in Agreement, and so we applied to the Honourable Viscount de Vries that we be Included amongst the Rescue party…

…Having made our Entrance to the Yellow Dogs' lair we then unleashed a Great Slaughter upon the Assembled Villains, for None could Stand Against the Righteous Fury of our Company…

…And so we Burst forth from the Spanish Fortress e'en as the Powder Store did Erupt in a Most fantastic Display of Devastation. The Lady Milton being Overcome by her Ordeal, I Carried her towards the Safety of our Ship, as my brother and the Colonel Bravely Battled the Surviving Spaniards.

Rescued Daughter

An extract from the turnsheet response of Lord William Milton, Duke of Somerset. Written by Ivan.

Upon her return you find that Katherine is hale and hearty and has been neither harmed nor violated. She is badly shaken by the ordeal as any young woman would be but you think that with time and sensitivity she will recover. Her recovery is also fuelled by the dashing young gentleman who helped rescue her from captivity. Like a knight of old come to rescue a damsel in distress, Sir Alexander Cross fought through waves of Spaniards to free her from captivity. She reveals a surprisingly wet and soppy side as she extolled Sir Alexander's almost numberless virtues.

Life Without Mammon

An extract from the turnsheet response of Sir Richard Molyneux. Written by Ann.

[… Mammon has] also been corresponding with Katherine Milton, purely on matters of finance. His tone is rather less diplomatic than one you would have used, but he does seem to have behaved appropriately, and she seems to have enjoyed the exchange of ideas. […]

Turnsheet 6

A Conversation

Written by the PCs of Sir Alexander Cross, MP, and Lord William Milton, Duke of Somerset.

Alexander draws himself up out of his usual slumped pose before continuing.

“Secondly, your Grace, I would ask your permission to pay court to your daughter Catherine. Er, that is assuming that I survive the next couple of weeks. I feel, perhaps if I could protect her then it would go some way to atoning for what happened to your wife. Proper atonement, not just doing it because an angel told me to…and well, the thing is, I do like her your Grace.”

Somerset looks at you silently for some moments, the silence drawing on towards uncomfortable before he replies, “My daughter is an independent lady and I strive to live up to the new standards of equality for women. If she wishes to be courted by you then you have my permission to do so. However, I would ask something of you, look after her well. Not to atone for what happened to Elizabeth but for Katharine. If you merely want to protect her to make up for other sins then I would not be willing to have my daughter used in this way. However, I think that your last words do you credit and if you are truly fond of her then I would hope you would be willing to protect her regardless of any atonements you believe to be necessary. Remember though that she is my only daughter and many would fear for the man that does not show her due respect.”

Alexander smiles broadly, seemingly oblivious to the warning.

“I'll make her happy your Grace, you'll see. Soon we'll be rid of this odious demon, and then I'll have the Host off my back. I'll have plenty of time to spend with her; can you believe it, she was actually interested in my holistic approach to natural philosophy? How could I not respect someone who understands why I should be respected? The very idea is unthinkable. She's one in a million, is your daughter- why I hope that with my tutelage she can become a potent wielder of the arcane sciences herself- then she'll have nothing to fear from anyone or anything!”

Romancing Katherine Milton


An extract from the turnsheet of Sir Alexander Cross, MP.

Alex will spend a lot of time initially continuing his courtship of Katherine Milton and will probably get quite close to proposing. However just as everything seems perfect the effects of the Apotheosis will begin to make themselves felt more strongly. As Alex finds himself unable to repress his radiant Angelic appearance and increasingly feels as though his spirit will rip clean of his mortal flesh then he'll realise the true ramifications of the ritual.

Alex will probably then spend a long time perched on top of Cathedrals, writing angsty love poetry to Katherine and then despondently hurling the perfect prose down to the streets below. The basic gist of the poems (which will hopefully get back to Katherine) being 'do you want me, even though our time together will likely be horribly brief?'


Written by Fed.

Cathedral-top angst gets you mistaken for a gargoyle or something else occasionally, but the poems do eventually make their way to Katherine Milton.

One day, when you are composing one more masterpiece atop Bristol Cathedral, you notice a familiar figure on the ground below. Both afraid and happy you go down to greet Katherine who whispers to you… “Yes… yes, yes!”

Turnsheet 7


Between Sir Alexander Cross, MP, and Lord Edward de Vries, Viscount of Hertfordshire

Cross to de Vries

Lord Edward,

I did not get the Opportunity to ask whether you had Discovered a means by Which to protect yourself from the Monster's incursions into your Mind? Do you wish me to Aid you further with the Hunt or is it Too Private a matter?

I have Another Question, Would you Consent to be my Best Man at my Wedding to Katherine Milton. You have been a Stalwart companion in Our Ventures together, and I would be Honoured if you would Stand by my Side once more, this Time under happier Circumstances. If you have Reservations, then please Know that Katherine is all too Aware that our Time together is likely to be Brief; however Love does not Suffer Practical thinking. We are both Resolved that it is better to Love and Lose, than to turn aside from One's Feelings.

Your friend,


de Vries to Cross

Sir Cross,

Mistress Apollonia has informed me that she believes that she will be able to prevent the creature from interfering with my mind again. I believe I will be able to slay it if my faculties remain intact but of course the aid of your sword would be helpful as a backup. In particular if you are able to ensure Mistress Apollonia remains safe and are able to get her away from danger should the worst befall me.

I would of course be most honoured to be your Best Man and I hope that you will be able to share with her all the happiness in the world for whatever time remains.

Your friend always,

Edward de Vries

From Sir Alexander Cross, MP, to His Grace William Frewen, The Most Rev. and Rt Hon. Archbishop of York

Your Grace,

I understand that this is Short Notice, but I wondered if I could Prevail upon you to Preside at my Wedding to the Lady Katherine Milton. You have been a Good Friend to me in these Recent years, and I would be Much Honoured if you would Consent to Perform the Ceremony.

Your Servant,

Sir Alexander Cross

Wedding of Sir Alexander Cross and Lady Katherine Milton

Written by Fed.

Sir Alexander Cross (MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, the Baron Schijndel) and Lady Katherine Milton (Viscountess of Bristol and heir of the Duke of Somerset) are married in the grand church of Illminster near the Duke of Somerset palace on a cold but gloriously sunny morning in early January. Amongst the wedding guests are the Baroness Wargrave, Augustus Wells-Lacy, Sir Simony de Vries and Captain Glory. Surprisingly there is a large contingent of Rabbis from the community at Prague present for the wedding. The parish priest is uncertain about letting them into the Church but the Archbishop of York has a brief word with him, asking him to consider how they can be saved by the Church of England if they can not enter into its churches to witness God's glory. The priest is far too awed by the presence of the Archbishop to really consider his excellent doctrinal arguments.

The couple are absolutely radiant, literally so in the case of Sir Alexander who casts a pure golden light upon the proceedings. His wedding clothes are almost as fine as those worn by the King at his wedding, for though they are not Osillbury's his tailor Master Moorcastle has spared no expense in money or time to produce the finest clothing he can for his patron. Lady Katherine is almost as radiant in a pure white dress with a long train. Sir Alexander has not seen her dress before the great day and is surprised to find that it incorporates as a cape the white banner with the cross of St. George that he flew during his rescue of her from the terrible captivity the Spanish had dared to impose upon her.

The wedding ceremony is presided over by the Archbishop of York who gives a wonderful sermon on the eternal and transcendent nature of love and its ability to overcome all barriers of time and distance. The now Earl of Hertfordshire, Edward de Vries, acts as Sir Alexander's best man. Although he is dressed in the best military finery, and in his signature black, it is not the unleavened black of mourning. In fact the Earl is smiling with evident delight at the good luck of his friend. The Duke of Somerset too seems pleased that his daughter is marrying such a good man.

As Sir Alexander kisses the bride enormous golden wings ripple from his back and there is a flash of brilliant golden light that fills the congregation and guests with happiness and washes their cares away.

The only thing that almost spoils the wedding occurs as the newly married couple are leaving the Church. One of the peasants that have gathered to see the rich and noble of England gather for the wedding launches himself at Katherine. As the man hurtles through the air his flesh seems to distort like hot air on a summer day and the creature that lands before the bridal party is a short androgynous boy (girl?) with long black dread-locked hair. It looks at Katherine with a horrible expression and opens its mouth to speak.

Before a word has emerged however Sir Alexander has picked the thing up by the throat, while Edward de Vries sword has whipped out and is pressed lightly into the skin above its heart. Sir Alexander speaks quietly but in a voice that carries and is so filled with menace that many of those near him take a step back in fear. “Carry a message back to your fellows. If I get so much as a peep of trouble from any denizen of Hell then I'll summon up three others at random, dispatch them and then mount their heads on my wall. Capiche?” The thing nods in evident terror before Edward de Vries pushes his sword into the monster's heart and extinguishes its life. The body smokes and burns to ashes as the spirit within flees the mortal realm.

Despite this rather unexpected event the wedding reception proceeds as planned and all soon put the strange occurrence out of their heads. The best man a riveting speech chronicling some of the derring-do he and Sir Alexander have taken part in together, fighting variously a gorgon, dragon and the Spanish together. He is sure to emphasise Sir Alex's part in all of this, making him sound like a demi-God to the wedding guests. He does however include a couple of amusing and mildly embarrassing anecdotes about him from our adventures as well, such as his unfortunate and comical falling on his arse at some point during their fight with the dragon. He finishes with the toast to the happy couple and a surprisingly emotional statement about the enduring nature of love.

During the reception some of the guests they saw a man dressed in black and yellow tartan emerge from the ground and place several large jars of honey amongst the wedding gifts. The clansman looks as if he is considering removing some of the other gifts, and perhaps some of the more attractive looking women, before he sighs and disappears once more. Edward de Vries' wedding gift is a very ornate pair of candle sticks designed in the shape of a dragon. Augustus Wells-Lacy provides an ornate silver cutlery set, the end of each item shaped individually as a sleeping cat.

Later in the evening Edward gives Sir Alex a slightly inebriated lecture on why he should appreciate his wife for whatever time they have left together and how there's always so much less than you would expect.

The marriage is clearly destined to be one of great happiness. The following day it starts to rain.

News - Sir Alexander's Marriage to Lady Katherine Milton

A beautiful and incredibly ornate pamphlet published on the occasion of the Marriage.

… as divine as it must be, the couple have been united in Holy Matrimony and do appear to be graced by all the Men and Angels.

All had come together in a most fantastic light and with decorations wonderful and bright. If only all of England can have observed this service and seen the most loving couple of the Kingdom and beyond.

… a bright shining banner of St. George that flows with all grace and reminds us all of the heroic deeds…

From a small notice, seen in only three or four copies around the coffeehouses of London.

… a most amusing distraction to the wedding when, shortly after the ceremony had been concluded and the couple had quit the Church, a most extraordinary, and I should say comical, being approached them. A most gruesome and unfriendly, yet pathetic, expression greeted Katherine before Sir Alexander reached out and grasped the creature by the throat!

Speaking but a few hot words and glaring it as if with all the eyes of the Host he tossed it away and the speed with which it disappeared could not be measured! Most extraordinary. Though perhaps not so amusing as the appearance of the most ridiculous Scots I have ever seen, dressed in a yellow and black kilt and bearing gifts of honey…

1) to Dame Karin Mayer
bonus.marriage_of_cross_and_milton.txt · Last modified: 2008/04/03 13:11 by ivan