Table of Contents


When Game 2 begins, this page will contain a list of the Non-Player Characters which the GMs play each session, organised by GM.

Your GMs

Here are some photos, so you can recognise the GMs. Feel free to catch any of these and ask them any Albion-related questions you desire - during Tuesday sessions, in the pub afterwards, by email, in lectures, on aeroplanes, in bed…



  • The Rev. Arthur Bellevue of the Guild of Navigators (Session 1, 3)
  • His Royal Highness Prince Richard of Albion (Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
  • Master Gardener Bellerophon Tolliver of the King's Own Horticulturalists (Sessions 1, 2)
  • Gefen Flint, ambassador from Liverpool (Session 2, 3, 5)
  • Duke of Edinburgh (Session 3)
  • Earl of Coventry (Session 5)
  • Vatican Ambassador (Session 3)




  • Her Royal Highness Princess Mary of Albion (Session 1, 2, 3 & 4)
  • Major-General the Lady Cristina de Vries (Session 1, 2, 3 & 4)
  • Madame Selene (Session 2)
  • Countess Vargfalle (Session 2 & 4)
  • Admiral Samuel Allen (Session 2, 3 & 4)




  • King Matthew I of Albion (Session 1 - 10)
  • His Grace Arthur Tews, Bishop of Bristol (Session 1)
  • Captain the Rt. Hon. Sir Theodore Dodderige, MP (Session 1)
  • Professor William Turnslake, a gentleman educated at Malta (Session 2, 3)
  • Monseigneur De la Varde, the French Ambassador to Albion (DEAD) (Session 2)
  • Count Staas Gudben, Knight of Malta and Emmisary of the Grand Master of the Order of St. John (Session 2, 4, 5)
  • His Excellency Bishop Iago Vasquez, a Spaniard attached to the Vatican embassy, acting as the emergency ambassador following the death of his predecessor. (DEAD) (Session 2)
  • His Grace Sergius de Bellemare, Archbishop of Canterbury - Primate of the Anglican Church (Session 3 - 8)
  • Master Jonathan Clairefoy, Conjurer of Court (Session 5 - 7)
  • Le Comte de Mortain, French Ambassador to Albion (Session 8, 9)
  • Count Edmond d'Anger, Notable Explorer (Session 9)
  • Captain the Viscount Jack Harborne, a wealthy Privateer (Session 9, 10)
  • Lord David Annwn, Viscount Aberaeron (Session 10)
  • A Special Delivery (Session 10)




  • Prince Joshua of Liverpool (Session 1)
  • Reverend Mark Fellowe (Session 1)
  • Robert Scott (Session 2)
  • Michael Sung (Session 2)
  • ..and others, who will be added once I find that damned piece of paper.



(Not only your GM but also your Campaign Organiser - that means that she's officially responsible for overseeing the running of the system.)

  • Her Excellency Ruth Levi, Ambassador to the Court of King Matthew from the Rabbinical Council of Prague. (Session 1, 2, 4-6)
  • Professor Christina Thompkins, head of the Sorcery Faculty at Cain’s College. (Session 1)
  • Lady Gillian Mondegreen, a Scottish Puritan. (Sessions 2 & 5)
  • Her Grace Elspeth Harrington, the Bishop of Carlisle. RIP (Session 2)
  • Christopher Orion, Patron of the Arts (Sessions 3 & 6)
  • Lao Jungfei, Ambassador from the Court of the Son of Heaven, His Most Celestial Radiance the Emperor of Cathay and Environs. RIP (Sessions 3, 4, 5)
  • Professor Eleanor Mabwick of the Invisible College (Session 3)
  • Bishop Fiona Wellesly of Durham (Sessions 3-6)




  • Cardinal Doumani, Papal Legate (Vatican Ambassador), (Session 1) Deceased
  • Salik Gezmen, Ambassador from the Sublime Porte (Ottoman Ambassador), (Sessions 1,2&8)
  • Timothy Gradgrind of His Majesty's Treasury, (Session 1)
  • Professor Wurthel, of the Invisible College (Session 2&8)
  • Captain Benjamin Barstow, treasure-hunter (Session 2&4)
  • Sir Elias Ashmole, antiquarian and collector (Session 2&3)
  • Charles Valois, a representative of the French Government (Session 3&6)
  • Baroness von Pommerania, a noblewoman of the German States (Session 3,4,6&8)
  • Christopher Hanks, the Lord-Proprietor of the New England Company (Session 4&6)
  • Sir Henry Capell, Lord High Admiral and First Lord of the Admiralty of Albion (Session 4)
  • Count Ignazio Francesco Wizzini-Paleologo, a noble of Malta (Session 4)


You will note that all your GMs have names beginning with one of the first 9 letters of the alphabet. SUSPICIOUS? I think so!

npcs.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/09 22:56 by gareth