Eliza Gamut Correspondence - Turnsheet 10

To Baron Wyndham

Your Lordshippe,

Againe I Wolde Saye that I am Right Sorry to Heare of your Losse.1) I Shal not Poke into the Mater if your Menne doe have it in Hande for Feare of Knockinge Heades with them but if you doe Nede me to Looke into it I Hop you Wille Telle me my Lorde.

As I have Toled you I have Look'd in the Glas and did See that the Manne who Maim'd Prinse Richard was Padre Jose Maria who it Seme doe Run and Lep Quite Spry for so Solem a Prest. I did also Aske the Glas to Shew me who was Engin behind the Acte and I was Shewn the Pope tho I Thinke twas not he who Order'd it directly but rather that twas Done in his Name. Twas Certinly the Pope for he had upon his Heade that Same Hatte wich I have Seene in the Picturs and on the Heade of the Witch Kinge. But his Maner was Curos for he was Curl'd under his Blanketts and did Suck upon his Thumbe like a Babe and Rock'd to and Fro altogether like one in Grat Feare.

As we had Fear'd it doe Seme that Prinse Richard Can be Heal'd by no Ordinary Meanes not by Alchemie nor by Witchcraft nor common Philters nor the Passage of Time. And it doe Seme that his Injures may Afecte the very Lande of Albion if he is Stille Maim'd when he become Kinge. The Starres doe Saye that he Might be Cur'd by an Apl from the Tre of Lyf wich Unluckily one doe notte See a Goode Deale of Lyinge on the Grounde. It doe also Saye that a Certin Relick Spok of in the Olde Romanses might Mak him Hale again.2) I goe Soone to the Sisters to Spek with them of Such Thinges and Seke Advise on the Findinge of Them.

I am also Trubbled by a Charte wich I did Drawe for the Kinge for it did Seme that there were at Least Thre Scemes to Tak his Powr from him. Twas Impossibel to See the Culprits for they did Wrestl in that one Smal Charte and twas a Littel Like Watchinge a Skirmish in a Bathtubbe and Tryinge to See who Own'd wich Limbe. I Wonder me if one Such may be a Planne by the Jezwits now that the Prinse is Maim'd to Murdrously Remove the Kinge and Leve our Countrey to Wrack thro Magicall Meanes. Certin it doe Seme that the Jezwits are Growinge Bolder and more Bloody.

There was also a Strange Messag wich I did Wonder to See in the Kinges Charte and it did Runne thus:

If the Children of the Sonnes of God and the Dorters of Adam Walke upon the Soyle of the Gardenne before the Time is Right the Worlde will be ended in Fire and Snakes.

I Cannot See what this Have to doe with Kinge in Perticlar but I Gess that if the Worlde doe end in Flam and Serpentes twill Certinly Afect him. I Thinke tis notte so Harde for us to Knowe where to Looke for the Children the Augry Spek of nor to Gess at the Name of that Gardenne. And tis Knewn that there have been Menny Attempts to Finde that Halow'd Gardenne of Late. The most Dangrouse Cretur who doe Seke it tho is she who is Nam'd Lilith.

The Chartes of the Kinge and Prinse did also Hinte at some Slight Estrangement. For tho the Kinge doe Stille Seme to Holde his Sonne in Grat Affecton Prinse Richard did Seme to be Coolinge a Littel.

I did also of Late Caste a Divinaton to Lerne more of the Deth of Brother Chalke. It Seme he was Struck down by a Demon Nam'd Stolas tho in the Glas I did Espie another Figure that Stood behind the Devill and wich did Looke Human. But the Demon did Obscure my View of his Figure as I have Knewn such doe bfore.

As I have Toled you my Lorde I did Caste a Divinaton for O Farel as you Ask'd me and was Shewn a Strange Image that did Seme to be of the Americkas with a Strange Fether'd Thronge that I Colde only Thinke must be Aztecks and Stepp'd Temples in the Distanse behind them.3) I Saw no Jezwits there nor even as much as an Honest Whit Face. I doe not Know if Captin Smashinge has Spok with you but he did Telle me Somethinge Passinge Strange Namely that Colnel O Farel was Seene in Panama both bfore and after he was Arrest'd here in Albion. My Lorde I Trust that the Man who did Atack you has Been in Irones ever Since and that we Canne at Lest be Sure that whatever Atackt you is under Locke and Key. Tis Most Like that the Manne in Panama is an Imposter thro Magickal Meanes.

My Lorde you may also have Heared that the Warre in Helle is alle but Over. The Forces of the Devill Dalembertus have Taen Pandemonum and Defeted Baal. Of Late I have Lernt that Dalembertus next Meanes to Raise his Hande against Heven itself. The Verry Angells are Trubbled and Saye that such a Warre twill Cause Grat Wrack and Calamitey in the Mortall Relms. I Knowe that this againe is notte a Mater for Albion alone but twill Afect us and Knocke us Back into the Darke Ages.

I Beleve I have Toled you that Sometimes I doe Catch a Strange Glimse of another Minde and their Passinge Thots. Of Late I have Seen Sundrie wich do not Fille me with Calme. One such Minde did Seme to Looke for Ways to Give themself the Powrs a Duk of Hell.4) Anothr Spok of Hidinge the Real Hellgun and Levinge a Conterfit.5) The Third did Seme to Glot on the Swaye he did Holde over Certin Loyal Forces.6)

I Hop you Wille not Tak it Amis my Lorde but it doe Seme that the Jezwits are Gratly Cheer'd by the Aperanse of the New Empres and the Formaton of her Empire the wich they doe Meane to Helpe. They Saye also that Albions Place at the Heade of the Crusade gainst the Witch Kinge is no more because of one of their Prechers. And I doe Wonder in my Minde if this may be that Padre Jose Maria who Seme Right Busie and who Some have Sayed has also Caus'd Trubbel in the Coloneys. The Jezwits Spek Slightingly of the Latest Lawes in Albion and Hop for a Civill War tween Parlement and the Kinge and Telle their Agents to Werk towards this wile our Forces are Damag'd from the Crusade. There is a Change tho in their Missives for wile they did Always Liste those they did Consider Threts they did oft Saye goe forth and Disgrase this one or Lye to that one or Lerne more of this other one. Now for every Soule on that List of their Enemeys they do Bidde their Agentes Kille them. Tis Nedeles to Saye that you are on this Liste my Lorde as is my Lord Devereux.

As I have Sayed I did Droppe some Wordes into some Eares and now I am Toled that the Demon that Lurk'd in Katherine Chandler is Remov'd.7) The Demon was Nam'd Kerinalamathatis the Duches of the Sublime and was a Devill of Luste. As you May Knowe the new Master of Invisibel has Made Dame Katherine a Verry Witchfinder and she has Caus'd Terror in Stampinge about the College with her Fiery Dogges Lookinge for Cultists of Baal and Kerinalamathatis as she did Claime. Tis Sayed that some Cultists of Baal did Assail her and that her Dogges did Teare them to Peces. It Seme she did also Finde a Demonic Contracte Linkinge to one of the Undergraduats to Devillry and did at once Sette her Dogges upon him but he was Sav'd in the Nick by the Master and Putte in Irones. Worse Stille Profesor Gideon Jacobs who of Late did Runne against her for Master is et by Demon Spyders. I am Askinge to Knowe if all this Happn'd bfore she was Rid of the Demon or after.

In the Meanwile it do Aper the Angells are Right Annoy'd that Laws have been Pass'd by a Demon in Albion. And it doe Seme that this Late Law Regardinge the Aire wich Dame Kathrine did Pushe thro Parlement Wille Cause alle Maner of Mischef if tis not Remov'd.

I Have also been Toled in Secrett that a Deale of Inky Alchemicall Waste that has Plag'd the College has been Trac'd back to her. It Seme that it Come from some Concocton Meant to Trappe Light. I Cannot Saye what this Meane and as I Saye my Lorde this was Toled to me in Confidense.

The Facultey at Invisibel doe also Meane to Open the Roomes of the Olde Master tho it Seme they doe soe with Much Cauton. There is Somethinge much Amis with the College for I have now been to Spek with the Spirit of the College and twas not to be Founde. A Bildinge of that Size and Yeares Sholde have a Spirit and Inded it did have one in the Past but now tis Gone. Tis Most Unnatural.

The Starres in these Dayes Carry Many Strange Omennes wich doe Runne thus:

The Ravens Come, Seachinge for the Killer of the Deade. Old Threds Twine back Together, though one Seeks to Tye them in Knottes. In the East there is a Gardenne. Alliances Bende and Breake, but wich a Kinge shall Make? The Sword Perces the Erth. She sees Deth Cominge, and Smiles. Drums, Drums in the Dep.

The Ravennes are of a Partey with that Valkrey who did Come to Corte Seking the Deade that the Witch Kinge did Borow. The Gardenne is again Eden and soe it Seme that there are Stille those who Wolde Trespas upon its Gras. When the Starres Speke of the Sword it do often Seme to Meane the Sword of devries so I Mislike this Percinge of the Erth. For the Reste I can but Gess.

You perhaps Knewe this alredy my Lorde but the Crown Prinsess Ping of Cathay was of Late on these Shores. She is a Strange Cretur Quite Semly but Carryinge a Grat Swered about with her and it doe Looke as if one of her Armes Blongt to someone Else and Have been Stuck on.

There is much Murmuringe mongst the Merchants for they doe Seme to Suspect the Earl of Hereford and Thinke he Plannes some Mischef with the Bildinge of his Armey. My Lorde I doe not Knowe where these Rumors do Come from but if you Wisht I Colde Looke into this.

God Helpe us alle,

Dame Eliza Gamut

To Father Anthony


I am Toled that you are Cominge with us to Seke the Grayl and I am Right Gladde of it. I Knowe that you doe Thinke that we are Playinge into the Handes of Lilith but we are More Like to Best her if you are With us. I Meane to use my Chartes and Glas to See how she Intends to Scotch us and twould Helpe Gratly if you Wolde Telle me alle you Knowe of her and her Powrs that I Maye See more Trewly. I Thinke also Father that you did Saye that you had Some Pece of her Scales or Skin. If I do Recal this Aright then twould be of use if I Colde have a Littel of this for the Castynge of my Divinaton.

I Have not Forgot what you have Sayed of the way that Starres and the Glas may be Cheted and I Wolde Knowe more of these Objects wich you Saye have this Virtue. I Wolde be Kene to Knowe how they doe Werk that I May Tech misself Ways to Thwart them. And I Wolde even Looke at them misself after you have Finisht with them. As for my Lord Devereux tis as I Sayed. He has my Love and my Trust. If his Chartes Lye and he is Fals then I am Lost and there is no Helpe for it. Soe lette us not Dwelle on that.

As I have Toled you I have Look'd in the Glas and did See that the Manne who Maim'd Prinse Richard was Padre Jose Maria. I did also Aske the Glas to Shew me who was Engin behind the Acte and I was Shewn the Pope tho I Thinke the Dede was but Done in his Name. He was Curl'd under his Blanketts and Suck'd upon his Thumbe and did Rock to and Fro Like a Childe Afright'd.

I am also Trubbled by the Charte wich was Drewn for the Kinge for it did Seme that there were at Least Thre Scemes to Tak his Powr from him. Twas Impossibel to See the Culprits for they did Wrestl in that one Smal Charte. Twill be Hard Seeinge Clerly but it Must be Done.

I did also Caste a Divinaton to Lerne more of the Deth of Brother Chalke. It Seme he was Struck down by a Demon Nam'd Stolas tho in the Glas I did Espie another Figure that Stood behind the Devill and wich did Looke Human. But the Demon did Obscure my View of his Figure as I have Knewn such doe bfore. I have Heared a Claime from another that the Brother was Kill'd in a Ritual with Haroun ibn Racheed and the Brandage Siblinges that did goe Wilde Awry. Father doe you Know Aught of this?

It Seme that the Jewess Brandage is Sekinge Cain for she has Ask'd Many Questons of me and she Sayes that she Hop to Talk to him and Lerne Informaton. It Aper she Hop to Lerne more of that Same Garden. Havinge now Spokn with the Angell who Consider me his Busines I doe Knowe a Littel more of Cain includinge the Shape of the Marke that Shews who he be and this I Shalle Shew to you Father if you Wishe it.

I did Caste a Divinaton for O Farel to See if he be a Jezwit and was Shewn a Strange Image that did Seme to be of the Americkas. There were some Brown Fellowes with Wilde Feathers Stucke in their Hair and Loines and Wearinge Precios Littel Else and I Thinke they Must be Aztecks for behind them were Stepp'd Temples in the Distanse. This was alle that was Shewn to me and I did See no more and not a Hinte of a Jezwit. Captin Smashinge has Sayed that Colnel O Farel was Seene in Panama both bfore and after he was Arrest'd here in Albion wich Seme Passinge Strange but Colde be Manag'd with the Helpe of a Conjuror or Demon.

I doe not Knowe if you have been Toled of it but there is a Planne Afoot to Spek with the Arcangell Michel and Aske that he Smite the Rebell Dalembertus Quickley bfore that Devill Can Raise his Hande gainst Heven. I Knowe that my Lord Devereux and the Jewess Brandage are a Parte of this Planne tho tis not Widely Voic'd for they Wolde not have those who are Frends with Devills to Knowe of it.

Father I Have Recev'd a Most Worryinge Letter from that Man-Clock Signer Meditchy. He Sayes that when he was Scorn'd by the Archbishp of Canterburghy he Drew up a Chart for his Grase Hopinge to See how Best he Might Persude him. He Sayes that the Charte did Shewe the Archbishp to be the Frend of Sorcrors and Devills. Of Corse this Colde be a Mater of Malise or Some Eror but he has Ask'd me to Looke at the Chartes and Check his Workinge to See if I doe Come to the Same Readinge.

As you Knowe Welle Father I doe Sometimes Catch a Strange Glimse of another Minde and their Passinge Thots. Of Late Thre of them have Come upon me at once Causinge me to Give such a Bellow that my Gargoyl Frends did Brek down my Walle Thinkinge that I was Beinge Attact. One such Minde did Seme to Looke for Ways to Give themself the Powrs a Duk of Hell. Anothr Spok of Hidinge the Real Hellgun and Levinge a Conterfit. The Third did Seme to Glot on the Swaye he did Holde over Certin Forces who Wolde do as he Bid without Queston.

The Jezwits are Grown no Saner but a Goode Deale Hapier. They are Gratly Cheer'd by the Aperanse of the New Empres and the Formaton of her Empire the wich they doe Meane to Helpe. They Saye also that Albions Place at the Heade of the Crusade gainst the Witch Kinge is no more because of one of their Prechers. And I doe Wonder in my Minde if this may be that Padre Jose Maria who Seme Right Busie and who Some have Sayed has also Caus'd Trubbel in the Coloneys. The Jezwits Spek Slightingly of the Latest Lawes in Albion and Hop for a Civill War tween Parlement and the Kinge and Telle their Agents to Werk towards this wile our Forces are Damag'd from the Crusade. There is a Change tho in their Missives for wile they did Always Liste those they did Consider Threts they did oft Saye goe forth and Disgrase this one or Lye to that one or Lerne more of this other one. Now for every Soule on that List of their Enemeys they do Bidde their Agentes Kille them. There are Menny on this List wich doe Include my Lord Devereux my Lord Wyndham also my Lord Gray and Menny Others. You are not there Father but I Hop you Wille not Tak that as a Slight.

As I have Sayed I am Toled that the Demon Kerinalamathatis Duches of the Sublime is now Remov'd from Katherine Chandler. Twas it Semes a Demon of Luste. But I Fancy a Deale of Mischef has been Done meanwile. The new Master of Invisibel has Made Dame Katherine a Verry Witchfinder and she has been Huntinge down Cultists of Baal and Kerinalamathatis or so she did Saye. Tis Sayed that some Cultists of Baal did Assail her and that her Dogges did Teare them to Peces. It Seme she did also Finde a Demonic Contracte Linkinge to one of the Undergraduats to Devillry and did at once Sette her Dogges upon him but he was Sav'd in the Nick by the Master and Putte in Irones. Worse Stille as I have Sayed Profesor Gideon Jacobs who of Late did Runne against her for Master is et by Demon Spyders. I am Askinge to Knowe if all this Happn'd bfore she was Rid of the Demon or after.

I Have also been Toled in Secrett that a Deale of Inky Alchemicall Waste that has Plag'd the College has been Trac'd back to her. It Seme that it Come from some Concocton Meant to Trappe Light. I Cannot Saye what this Meane but twas Toled to my Privatley.

The Facultey at Invisibel doe also Meane to Open the Roomes of the Olde Master tho it Seme they doe soe with Much Cauton. There is Somethinge much Amis with the College for I have now been to Spek with the Spirit of the College and twas not to be Founde. A Bildinge of that Size and Yeares Sholde have a Spirit and Inded it did have one in the Past but now tis Gone. They doe Saye that there is Somethinge that Knocks and Crashes about in the Master's Roomes and it may be that there the Spirit of the College is Prisner. I hope that be alle that Lurk within.

The Starres in these Dayes Carry Many Strange Omennes wich doe Runne thus:

The Ravens Come, Seachinge for the Killer of the Deade. Old Threds Twine back Together, though one Seeks to Tye them in Knottes. In the East there is a Gardenne. Alliances Bende and Breake, but wich a Kinge shall Make? The Sword Perces the Erth. She sees Deth Cominge, and Smiles. Drums, Drums in the Dep.

The Ravennes are of a Partey with that Valkrey who did Come to Corte Seking the Deade that the Witch Kinge did Borow. The Gardenne is again Eden and if the Starres Menton it I must Gess it Stille under Thret. When the Starres Speke of the Sword it do often Seme to Meane the Sword of devries so I Mislike this Percinge of the Erth. For the Reste I Cannot be Certin.

I Knowe that I Shal Remember more when I have Sente you this Leter but Send it I Shal.

God Helpe us alle,


1) The death of his wife, murdered at his orders with the cooperation of Lady Anastasia Hamilton
2) The Holy Grail
3) The location of the real Adam O'Farrel
6) Baron Wyndham himself!
7) Unfortunately incorrectly, see the Exorcism of "Katherine Chandler.
bonus.eliza_gamut_correspondence_10.txt · Last modified: 2008/04/02 22:40 by ivan