Eliza Gamut Correspondence - Turnsheet 8

To Baron Wyndham

Your Lordship,

I did Gratly Wishe to Spek with your Lordship at the last Meetinge of the Court but Colde Scarse see you for those Tugginge at your Sleeve and Wantinge Wordes with you.

I Have Alredy Toled you and others of what I have Heared in Talkinge to the Witch Kinge Silva but I think we may be Facinge another more Suttel Danger inded an Invisibel one you Might Saye.

My Lorde I Praye Sweet Heven I am Wronge but I am much Fear'd that the Matter of the Master of Invisibel is not as Dead as we have Hopt. Praps I am Seeinge Shadews where there are None but I doe Thinke that there is Somethinge Badly Awry with Dame Kathrin Chandler and inded I doe Suspect that she be no such Persen at Present.

The Time has come I Thinke my Lorde to Telle you that twas Dame Chandler who was my Best Sorce in Invisibel and who Spyed on the Master for me to Lerne more of his Plannes and twas from her that I did first Knowe of his Sceme for the Boat Race. She did also Telle me that she was Sore Worrid after Prins Richards Party in Invisibel which she did Arrange for afterwards the Master did Smile at her which is not his Wont. A Littel Time after when the Archbishoppe of Cantreburghy did Give her a Blessinge she did Feele a Wrackinge Pain which Threw her into much Distres and Friten'd her Gratly. I did ask Father Anthony to Looke at her and he Colde Finde Naught Wronge but now I Wonder if the Master had Alredy Layed some Spel on her at that Time.1)

The Master was always Suttel and did Planne the way an Onyon Grews Skinnes with many Spare Plots in Case of Calamatey. I Wonder if he had Mark'd Dame Chandler by some Meanes that me Might use her Body if his was Lost.

Of Late I Drewe up a Star Charte for Dame Chandler for she was much Friten'd of the Master and it Red Strangely with all a Hairs Bredth Askew like the Crikkinge of a Clock when its Cogs are a Touch Awry. It Toled me of an Ill Ocurance in her Past which had Brot about a Badde Present and Futur. At the Meetinge of the Corte she Seem'd much Chang'd in Dres and Manner and Spech and tho Gref will Alter Menne much I Feare tis Somethinge more. At first she did not Seeme to Recal Askinge for a Chart nor did she Aper to Remember Advisinge me on my Dres and she now Tryes to Tak over Invisibel as Master and Speks of Crushinge all those within its Walles that have Caus'd her Unhapines.

My Lorde if I am Right then I Feare much what Revenge will be Wrot when the Isle of Oxford is no Longer under Crie God for Harry and she may Act Freely. She must not become Master and Inded it Seeme to me that twod be Safer if none did and the Invisibel College were Disbanded Strait at Lest for now for too much Danger is Bond into the very Cobbels and Briks of it.

Even now many of the Masters old Croneys doe Walke free tho Profesor Lovecrafte has been Suffring Divers Fatall Accidents2) wich he doe Seeme to Recover from with Strange Ease. At least once a Cherergon has Threwn up her Hands and Call'd him Dead only to have Him Brisk and Redy to Give Lecters next Morn.

I did at First Wonder if the Thret to the Soul of Prinse Richard was the Doinge of the Master but now I have Drewn up a Fulle Charte and it Looke as if the Menas is Other. If I may Spek Planly the Prinse is Uncomonly Well-Provided with the Confidense of Yooth and this Putte him in Danger for it Aline him with Somethinge that Shews itself in the Charte as the Sun. At first I Thot this to be Some Mere Simble of Recklesnes and Pride but now I am Notte so Sure. The Charte also Shewed that the Prinse is Wroth for the Lacke of a Swerde which the Sun telle him he Sholde have. A Yeare or so Past the Prinse did Wild the Swerde that had Belong'd to Captin Gwendolin Devris who did later Become the Sun of the Americkas. Of Late I have also Seene Somethinge in the Stars that Runne Thus

The Lady is Angry Oceans Part her from the Swerde that is her Keepinge.

This too I Thinke Spek of the Swerde of Devries wich is Sent away from Albion for Saftey.

In the Charte I doe also See another Thret to the Prinse but this is a Sceme to Kep him from Power. It doe not Toch upon his Soule but it doe Seeme the Werke of a Minde Fulle of Malise.

There are other Shaps I have Seene in the Starres wich I Thinke I Shold Bringe to your Eyes my Lord since one doe Seeme to Spek of that Grat Spirit wich Sit in your Heade. One Omen of the Starres Runne thus

The Lionne and the Rose Dance and the Crowne Comes Tumbling down to Land at their Feete.

The Lionne is oft Us'd in Spekinge of that Nobel Spirit of Albion who is so Fonde of you that he Wille not be Budg'd from you. For when you did Werke to Free the Twin Prinses from Poseson the Starres did Saye that the Lion and the Witch King Fot for the Prinses. Now it Seeme that Perhaps in some Kinde you and he doe Dance with Somethinge that the Starres doe Calle a Rose. I doe not Know what this may be tho it doe Putte me in Minde of the New Play of the Rose Bride that the Lady Hamilton did Paye to have Writ but it May be Somethinge Else such as Devis of Heraldrey. Perchance this Augery Mak more Sense to Your Lordshippe than it doe to me. But it doe Seeme that this Dance is Dangrous to the Crowne and I must Advis your Lordshippe be Wary.

The Stars also Warne that a Storme is Cominge. I Knowe not the Meaninge of this Unless it Spek of the Cominge War. They Saye also that Heven is Fulle of Dragonnes which doe Sound Fulle Strange and Smack of Cathay.

As you doe Knowe Mistres verch Morcant and misself did Spek with the Spirit of Albion who Seeme Right Plesed with your Lordshippe as a Dwellinge and did not Choose to Trade you for Mistres verch Morcant. He was also Wroth when he Heared of the Witch Kings Plannes for the Yonge Prinse and Sayed that he Wolde Deale with the Matter tho I Knowe not what this Meanes. I Sholde Telle you that the Man who did Come to me and Aske that I Finde Proof that you were Posest was the Romish Padre Jose Maria. He Claime that whilst in the Americkas he was Blest and Woke in an Angelic Garden and Since that Time he has Powr to detect Evills such as Demons. I Knowe not if he Beleve his Owne Wordes.

I have Done as you Bid in the Matter of Profesor Soldwel and did Tell him of the Manne I did See in my Divininge Glas when I Look'd for the Watchfull Man. Twas a Yonge Man Werkinge in a Library in South Oxford. I Trust this is alle as your Lordshippe Wolde Wish. The Profesor is Stille Tight as a Clam about his Intrest in the Watchfull Man and Laffs it off as Idel Curiositey.

The Sisters of Hecate are Mightily Disples'd with the Witch King and when they Hear that he had a Hand in the Deth of Mistres Selene3) Silva is Like to be Curs'd by every Witch that Can Draw Breth. Since twas done in a Like Fashon it Seeme to me the Murder of that Pore Navigator was Probly Silva Likewise.

The Bloody Order of Arundell do not Crowe of such Deedes as I Wolde expect were the Murders their Handiwerk. At Present they are much Aghast at the Rise of the Witch King. They also Spek Darkly of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad who I did See at Corte of Late and Who they Calle an Assassin who Wille Kille alle those not Jewish and who Carry a Blade Forg'd from Demons. They Saye he Fight with a Skille Most Unatural but Might Falle like Other Men to Poison or Disgrace.

The Order doe also Rage that one of their Owne has Turn'd his Back on the Order. They Name him as Adam O'Farrel and Say that he Must be Shewn the Error of his Ways Poyntey-End First. Tis of course Possibel that this is some Trick of the Papists to Turne our Eyes to an Innocent Man but if it be True then Colnel O'Farrel is a Traitor Repentinge of his Treason and one Uncomon Likely to Find a Bodkin in his Back.

Johann Bell the Jesuit of wich I did Warne your Lordshippe doe still Holde the Post of Astrologer to Prinse Dorgon of the Manchu and with it the Prinses Ear. He do Wisper to the Prinse that Spyes of Albion have Caus'd all Ills to the Land of Cathay and now there is no Trade to be had with the Manchu. Naught Wille change if this Man Holde his Plase in the Prinses Favour.

If there is Aught more that your Lordshippe Wolde Knew then I Hop you Wille ask my Lorde.

God Helpe us alle,

Eliza Gamut

To the Crusaders 'Gainst Rome

Your Lordshippes and Ladyshippes,

I Have just been Spekinge with that most Strange Creter who was once Knewn as Master Philip Silva and now Taks the Name of the Witch King.

I am Loth to Beleve him Further than I can Spit for he has Shewn himself a Right Slipry Wezel but he did Seeme to Spek in Some Earnest and of Matters so Importent I did Feele I Sholde Telle you alle of them.

He did Approche Mistres verch Morcant and misself after the Meetinge and did say that the Terribl Ghost Nasir who is the True Witch Kinge had Past from him for a Moment and he Wisht to Spek with us Quickly bfore it Return'd. He Sayed that he had long Serv'd the Witch Kings Spirit Thinkinge that twould earne him Powr that he was Ow'd by the World but Sayes that he never Thot he Wolde find hisself at War with Albion nor Causinge the Deths of Mistres Selene and others and now he See that Nasir is Madde. He Toled us also that he Beleve the Witch King Wille Soone Cast him aside and Try to Poses one of the Twin Prinses for Silva is not Royal Enuff for his Likinge.

He Say that he Wolde Sooner Die than Harme Albion. The Armey of Dead he Say Follow Silva hisself and not the Spirit of the Witch King. He Claim that he Meanes to Ende it all and Let his Owne Doome Consume him but First he Meanes to Teach the Worlde a Lesson and Shew alle that he Might have Wonne if he had Chosen. When he Spok of this he Waxt Wroth and Growld like a Beast and was not be Reasond with and Sayed he Wolde Give his Enemeys a Bloodey Nose. But he Sayed that he did not Want this Blowe to Falle upon Albion and for this Raison he Aske that Albion be not the First to Strike at him and that our Kinge and his Sonne be Kept from the Front Line for he did Saye that the Blowe he Meanes to Strike will not be Selective.

Tho he do Spek like a True Penitent I Wolde sooner Stik a Snake down my Smock than Trust this Spanyard without Other Raison. But I doe Trust in the Starres.

Your Lordshippes and your Ladyshippes I Wolde Aske that you doe not Sende our Troopes to Strik the first Blowe Against the Witch Kinge until I have Drawn a Charte to Scry the Adventure for if this Hapless Monster Spek True we Colde be Sendinge Countless Sons and Dorters of Albion to Slep under Romish Soil.

Your Humble Servante,

Eliza Gamut

To Father Anthony


I Wishe to God that you had been at the Last Meetinge of the Corte for I did Neede to Spek of Some Matters most Urgently and Since I Lack'd you I have Spill'd some Matters to Some Peple who I Hop I can Trust but Time alone Wille Telle. Good Father I Wolde have your Counsel on Many Matters.

You Wille have Hear'd that the Cretur who Calle hisself the Witch Kinge did Aper at Corte Wearing the Hatte of the Pope over a Cowle of the the Depest Black. He was Olde and Wizen'd and About him Rag'd Flames like those of Helle wich did Mak it more Difficult to Winne the Crowd to his Cause. At Last in a Grat Voice the Kinge did Calle for a Crusade of alle Countreys Gainst the Witch Kinge. And twill be alle we can doe to Stop the Kinge and Prinse Richard Rydinge off like Tapestry Knigts to Leade Evry Charge.

After most had left the Corte a Strange Thinge Occur'd. The Witch King did Approche Mistres verch Morcant and misself wich did Mak me Unhappy to be there and Make my Ratte to Hide in my Hair. He Spoke to us in the Voice of Silva and Sayed that twas inded he. He Sayed that the Ghost Nasir who had been the Witch Kinge of Olde was away from him for a Moment and he Wisht to Spek with us Quickly bfore it Return'd. He Sayed that he had long Serv'd the Witch Kings Spirit Thinkinge that twould earne him the Powr and Revenge that he was Ow'd by the World but Sayes that he never Thot he Wolde find hisself at War with Albion nor Causinge the Deths of Mistres Selene and others and now at last he See that Nasir is Madde. He Toled us also that he Beleve the Witch King Wille Soone Cast him aside and Try to Posess one of the Twin Prinses for Silva is not Royal Enuff for his Likinge.

Silva Say that he Wolde Sooner Die than Harme Albion. The Armey of Dead he Say Follow Silva hisself and not the Spirit of the Witch King.

He Claim that he Meanes to Ende it all and Let his Owne Doome Consume him but First he Meanes to Teach the Worlde a Lesson and Shew alle that he Might have Wonne if he had Chosen. When he Spok of this he Waxt Wroth and Growld like a Beast and was not be Reasond with and Sayed he Wolde Give his Enemeys a Bloodey Nose. But he Sayed that he did not Want this Blowe to Falle upon Albion and for this Raison he Aske that Albion be not the First to Strike at him and that our Kinge and his Sonne be Kept from the Front Line for he did Saye that the Blowe he Meanes to Strike will not be Selective. I Have Spokn with those of the Army on this for tho I cannot Truste Silva twod be Welle to Draw up a Star Charte to See if he Spek True.

As I have Sayed bfore I doe not Trust the Man and never Have and never Can. But he Spoke like a Man in Torment and tho I Dread'd and Despis'd him I Pityed him a Littel Father. I Bade him Holde back his Hande and Looke to his own Soule wich Seeme an Offise for you not I but I Colde not Stay Longe in that Terribel Presense. Only the Starres and the Futur Wille Telle us if he Spok True.

Most in these Days have their Eyes on the Witch Kinge but I Smelle another Nearer Thret and I Pray to God I am Wronge. I am much Worrid that Dame Kathrin Chandler is not Dame Kathrin Chandler.

We had alle Hopt that the Master of Invisibel was Deed and Gone and Praps he is soe and it is only my Feare Makinge Shaps bfore my Eyes. But I am Afear'd that she is Possest and if it is indeed de Winter who has Seiz'd her he Wille be Lookinge for Revenge on alle those who Brot him Down.

As I Toled you her Ladyshippe was Sore Worrid after Prins Richards Party in Invisibel which she did Arrange because afterwards the Master did Smile at her which is not his Wont. I did Thinke at the Time that he had Cast some Spelle upon Prinse Richard but now I Wonder if there was Somethinge Cast upon her Ladyshippe. Father you Wille Recall that a Littel Time after when the Archbishoppe of Cantreburghy did Give her a Blessinge she did Feele a Wrackinge Pain which Threw her into much Distres and Friten'd her Gratly. We Founde Naught Wronge then but now I Wonder if the Master had Mark'd her so that he Might Tak her Body if he was Done to Deth.

Of Late I Drewe up a Star Charte for Dame Chandler for she was much Friten'd of the Master and it Read Passinge Strangely with every Detail Feelinge a Hairs Bredth out of Place.4) It Toled me of an Ill Ocurance in her Past which had Brot about a Badde Present and Futur. At the Meetinge of the Corte she Seem'd much Chang'd in Dres and Manner and Spech and tho this may be Gref for her Cusin I Feare tis Somethinge more. At first she did not Seeme to Recal Askinge for a Chart nor did she Aper to Remember Advisinge me on my Dres and she now Tryes to Tak over Invisibel as Master and Speks of Crushinge all those within its Walles that have Caus'd her Unhapines.

Father I Hop I am Wronge for I Wolde rather be a Safe Fule than be Clever but in Mortall Danger. But if I am Right then I Feare much what Revenge will be Wrot when the Isle of Oxford is no Longer under Crie God for Harry and she may Act Freely.

She Wishes to become Master of Invisibel and Must be Stopt. Inded Father I Knowe that Menny Lissen to you and if you Colde Persade those in Powr that Invisibel College Sholde be Disband'd Strait I Thinke you Wolde do the Land a Servise for how Canne we Truste Any Master that the College Choose themselves? It Might be Safe if Plac'd in the Control of the University but twould be Better if that Curs'd Place was Takn Apart or Wash'd Clen and Mad into a Bakery.

Profesor Lovecrafte Stille Lives tho the Fact he do soe Suggest his Demon Master has been Kep Busy. He has been Suffring Divers Fatall Accidents wich he doe Seeme to Recover from with Strange Ease. At least once a Cherergon has Threwn up her Hands and Call'd him Dead only to have Him Brisk and Redy to Give Lecters next Morn.

I have now Drewn up a Fulle Charte to Undersand the Thret to the Soule of Prinse Richard and it doe Looke to me as if it Come from his own Rash Vanity and I Wolde be Gratfull if you did not Repet my Sayinge so Father. It Putte him in Danger for it Aline him with Somethinge that Shews itself in the Charte as the Sun. At first I Thot this to be Some Mere Image of his own Pride but now I am Notte so Sure. The Charte also Shewed that the Prinse is Wroth for the Lacke of a Swerde which the Sun telle him he Sholde have. A Yeare or so Past the Prinse did Wild the Swerde that had Belong'd to Captin Gwendolin Devris who did later Become the Sun of the Americkas. Of Late I have also Seene Somethinge in the Stars that Runne Thus

The Lady is Angry Oceans Part her from the Swerde that is her Keepinge.

This too I Thinke Spek of the Swerde of Devries wich is Sent away from Albion for Saftey.

In the Charte I doe also See another Thret to the Prinse but this is a Sceme to Kep him from Power. It doe not Toch upon his Soule but it doe Seeme the Werke of a Minde Fulle of Malise.

There are other Shaps I have Seene in the Starres wich run thus

Heven is Fulle of Dragonnes
Under a Snake I Slep, in Italy I Wep, Plottinge the Deth of the Father of Thunder.
The Storme is Cominge
The Lionne and the Rose Dance and the Crowne Comes Tumbling down to Land at their Feete.

I Knowe not what is Ment by the Storme unless it be War. The Heven Fulle of Dragonnes Smacks of Cathay. The Seconde Spekes of Rome I Thinke for their is a Mighty Wyrm Settl'd on one of its Many Hills. Mistres verch Morcant Saye that she Thinke there is a Father of Thunder Mongst the gods of Norway.

The Lionne and Rose Trubble me for the Lionne I Thinke to be the Spirit of Albion and Praps my Lord Wyndham and I Fancy is my Lady Hamilton who has Payed for the Play the Rose Bride of Late. I have Spok of this to my Lord Wyndham who has Toled me that tis a Fair Omen not an Ille for he and the Lady Hamilton have Founde out the lost Empress of the Holy Roman Empire and Brung her to Albion and that this is the Crown Tumblinge to their Feete and no Crown of Albion.

Alle this may be True Father but Forgive me I Cannot Rid misself of the Thot that if my Lord Wyndham and the Lady are Dancinge it is the Kinde of Jig his Wyf Wolde not Smile at. Inded she doe Seme to be Smylinge very Littel of Late and it is up and down the Town that Husband and Wyf doe Kep House like Kilkenny Cats these Last few Months. If twere Naught but Jigging then his Lordshippe and Lady Hamilton Might Jig their way thro a Dozen Beddes for all I Care but this Busines it Causinge Crownes to Tumble Trubbels me. But twod be best if this Thot were not Spokn Freely.

Mistres verch Morcant and misself did Spek with the Spirit of Albion who has Posest Lord Wyndham but he did Seeme Right Plesed with his Dwellinge and Wolde not Trade it for Mistres verch Morcant. He was Wroth when he Heared of the Witch Kings Plannes for the Yonge Prinse and Sayed that he Wolde Deale with the Matter tho I Knowe not what this Meanes.

If Silva Spek True it Seme he was the Murdrer of Madame Selene of the Sisters. The Chef Navigator was Slain in Like Fashion so Probly his Blood Lie also on the Handes of Silva.

The Bloody Order of Arundell do not Crowe of these Murders as I Wolde expect were they their Handiwerk. At Present they are much Aghast at the Rise of the Witch King. They also Spek Darkly of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad who I did See at Corte of Late and Who they Calle an Assassin who Wille Kille alle those not Jewish and who Carry a Blade Forg'd from Demons. They Saye he Fight with a Skille Most Unatural but Might Falle like Other Men to Poison or Disgrace.

The Order doe also Rage that one of their Owne has Turn'd his Back on the Order. They Name him as Adam O'Farrel and Say that he Must be Shewn the Error of his Ways Poyntey-End First. Tis of course Possibel that this is some Trick of the Papists to Turne our Eyes to an Innocent Man but if it be True then Colnel O'Farrel is a Traitor Repentinge of his Treason and one Uncomon Likely to Find a Bodkin in his Back. I Have Dropt Wordes of this into some Eares. Tis a Pity that twas O Farrell that did Tak the Sword of deVries from Albion and I Hop that Someone else Knowe where it is Hid.

Johann Bell the Jesuit is Stille Astrologer to Prinse Dorgon of the Manchu and doe Holde much Sway. He do Wisper to the Prinse that Spyes of Albion have Caus'd all Ills to the Land of Cathay and now there is no Trade to be had with the Manchu. Naught Wille change if this Man Holde his Plase in the Prinses Favour.

I Hop that we Wille Spek Soon Face to Face.

God helpe us alle,

Eliza Gamut

1) This was a scheme by Katherine Chandler who was not possessed by the Master, but wished Eliza to believe so. I am unsure of the purpose behind the deception.
2) repeated assassination attempts by Haroun ibn Rasheed, which failed due to immortality granted to him by Choronzon in return for the soul of Marcus Fervent
3) killed by Jesuits in response to the attack on Rome by the Witch King
4) The details given to Eliza were deliberately incorrect
bonus.eliza_gamut_correspondence_8.txt · Last modified: 2008/03/25 14:07 by ivan