Of Parsons I shall say only this - there are too many of them in the countryside, always preaching and yapping as if the fire of hades is at our feet. Of course, that is what they tell us is the case, but it is an unpleasant thing to consider when enjoying the rich estates and forests of the counties.
Of Pigs I should say that there are perhaps not enough. When my father had visited the country, he said he was particularly impressed with the farming of these animals which resulted of course in some of the best feasts to be had. Perhaps if one was to increase the number of pigs and decrease the number of parsons the Kingdom of England should profit greatly.
– Sir Theoderic Hopken, in the pamphlet “Of Country Matters”.
A deal of time is spent by nobles away from court and busy cities in the castles, manors, houses or shacks of the countryside. Many things do happen away from the Capital and Matthew's court is not always convened there, on occasion it can be moved to the abodes of the great lords of the land (usually at expense to them, but also with great prestige).
A great many members of the nobility will usually own a large country house as well as a much smaller one near Oxford based in the county of their title. From there they run the estates (or have swarming minions to do that for them), visit those living nearby and generally conduct minor requirements (or perks) of their title.
King Matthew himself is a great hunter and fan of the sport, though perhaps not so much as his grandfather. Matthew is not always alone with close courtiers, chasing stag, pike, shark or other animal, and will often invite more important individuals to hunt with them. It's a great honour to hunt with the King (especially if he invites himself to your estates) and can prove extremely advantageous. During the time of the hunt you have the King's ear and have fewer others to compete with for it.
Going on the hunt: It is possible for a noble of the rank of Viscount/Bishop or above (or rank 4 or 5 in wealth) to call their own hunt. This will attract various local lords to it, but will also have the chance of the king attending. It is also possible to be specifically invited to one of the King's hunts.
Ports are important centres of trade, news of foreign lands and a host of other fun thing (hired assasins, desperate adventurers and so on). Many influential merchants will have their base near a port, particularly if their main source of trade runs through one.
Great bastions, displays of the King and his Lords' authority, stone creatures able to withstand siege and control the surrounding countryside. The role of castles has however been in decline with the invention and use of cannon which can make shorter work of a castle's defences than any other siege engine that came before it. Still, they are the pride and joy of many a noble (an English nobleman's castle is his home).
Castles have a helpful habit of housing dungeons which can be used to store prisoners, valuables or great relics.
Possession: Castles are owned by any Viscount (or higher) if they have a corresponding or higher rank of wealth. A Knight or Baron could technically own a castle too but a player would need to provide IC reasons for this.