Eliza Gamut Correspondence - Turnsheet 13

To Lord Devereux

Letter 1

My Own Love,

I am Gladde that I did Warne of you of that Infirmitey that doe Some Days have its Time with me and Cause me to Spille Wordes without Controlle and I am Right Gladde that you were ther my Love when it Came upon me. For I doe Holde Menny Seckrets and twod be Dangrous to Scater them to alle Eares and more Dangrous Stille Sholde Menne Gess that I Might doe soe. For those whose Seckrets I doe Holde Might Wishe my Mouth Clos'd for ever to Escap Such Accidents.

Ther is only one Remedie to Kep it at Bay wich be to Spek as Much as I doe Lerne Privily in a Trusted Eare. And my Love I Feare me that now that Eare must be Yours for my Minde is Fulle to the Brim with Dark Dremes and Omnous Thinges.

Tis Passinge Harde to Talke of how I did See the Worlde when I had Cast that Spel Usinge the Ey of the Sphnnix. I Colde not Saye if I was a Livinge Glas Cros wich the Shaps of the Wilde Worlde did Playe of it I was a Grat Eye that Fill'd alle the Erth but Saw itself Only thro the Littel Keyhol of my Bwilder'd Minde. Twas like a Drem Unendinge where Thinges Past and Futur did Skippe Hande in Hande and I had no Sense of Time. But my Love such Wordes Profit Naught and I Shal Spek insted of what I did See.

The last Thinge that I do Recal as the Rituall did Tak Efect was Wipinge the Glas in my Hande with my Sleef and Wondringe if I Sholde See Shaps in it. Then the Worlde Round me Grewe Dim and I Wil Confes my Love I was Sore Afraid then to Feele my Bodey Become Like Aire and my Minde Darke Till it Semed I was all Alone.

Then in that Blacknes there was a Name and then another Name. And the First was Asmodai and the Second was the Ashen Vale. And I Knewe or Felt I Sawe that a Darknes did Spred from Invictus. And tho I can Scarse Remember more than this Memorey Lurke in my Minde most Omnously.

I did also See the Jezwits in Dorset Takinge up a Box that they Thot was Fulle of Golde alle Unknewinge that it had a Fals Bottom neath wich was Hid that Asasin Altair and Mandrak and Menny Menne at Armes. And when the Box was Open'd the Hidden Menne did Lepe out a Goode Deale Lyk a Jack-in-the-Box but with more Stabbinge with Swerdes. And the Blad of Altair did Strik most Kenly and Cutte thro Golde and Woode and Menne as if alle were Buter. And Menny Jezwits were Kill'd but a Few Ta'en and these did Knowe Naught of Judas but did Spek of the Isral Directrat who are Train'd and Seckret Murdrers.

And I did See Glimses of the Murder of Lady Wyndham thro the Mindes of her Husbond and the woman Hamilton. And Wyndhams Lady Wyf did Die in Paine but Quick and Never Knewe herself Betray'd and tis alle the Goode that Canne be Sayed of the Bisnise. And as I have Sayed I did See the Woman Hamilton Pushe a Nedl in her Owne Arme for the Bringe out Blood and did the Same for the Empres and Mixt the Two Bloods with Sundrey Thinges to Mak a Poton wich she Mak the Empres Drinke and I Thinke this doe Controll the Girle. And it Seme a Goode Thinge to Knowe that there be a Nedl wich that Woman do Use to Perce her own Arme for there May be Use in it and I have Toled Fitz of this.

And I did See Lord Wyndham and Hamilton in a Time Past when they were Shipwreckt on a Shore Neare a Plase wich I Thinke was Call'd Marian-on-Sea. And ther was a Shepherd Nam'd George who did Come upon them by Chanse when they were not Redy to be Seene for the Lady was not Cover'd by Clothes but Rather by the Lorde. And my Love this Shepherd had Left his Scrawney Littel Flocke for to Looke for any that did Nede his Aide and this Kindnes was the Deth of him. For they Killt him and his Bodey was Putte into the Sea Loaded with Rockes. My Love I Wolde Derely Wishe to have his Bodey Founde and Brot to Shore and Givn Cristen Buryal. And also he Have a Wyf and Children who I Thinke Prosper without him but tis Best if they doe not See his Bodey but Thinke of him as when he did Live.

And I did also See a Stret wich I Knowe Wel for I have Walkt it a Thosand Times being as it doe Runne from my own College twards Invisibel. And twas Night and there were Daubs of Red wich did Looke a Deale like Bloode on Door after Door. And there was a Friten'd Blet wich Sounded Lyk a Shep but its Calle was Cutte Short by a Snappe like a Brekinge Neck. The Doores were alle Shut and then there Came a Terribel Whit Light. When twas Gone again then soe were alle Houses that did not Beare the Blody Mark. As we have Sayed twas a Good Deale like the Storey of Passover and praps our Strange Frend Ares is the Bringer of such Thinges. And if this be Trew Omen praps we Sholde goe and Buy a Shep.

There was much Els of wich you doe Knowe Ful Welle such as alle that we Did gainst Lord Wyndham and Hamilton. And also I did See you my Love Spekinge with Menne of the Atack on Heven and Stedying their Spirits. And also I did See the Crowninge in Cornwalle where I did Seme to Hover on the Breze Like a Gulle and did See you by the Prinses Side Looking a Mite Uncertain and Severall Witches who I doe Knowe Castinge for the Omens. And I have Toled Captin Greyhawk that if he Wishe a Witche to Looke for Watchers tis Beter next Time that he Spek with me.

You Knowe alle that we did to Fit gainst the Unrest Stirr'd by Wyndham and Hamilton. Tis Likely that your Captin that I did Sende to Catch Wyndham has Reported alle to you and you Knowe that Wyndham did Slippe thro their Fingers but Wounded. He was your Viper to the Ende my Lorde Slippry and Quick and even Whit-Eyd as I was I Colde not Follow him Wel. But when I did I Felt his Lyf Slippinge from him. He Knewe that he was Dyinge and he Thot not of Victry or of his Owne Soule but only of Seeinge Lady Hamilton one more Time bfore he Dyed. Perchance he did.

A Demon there was that Came for Prinse Richard wile he was in the Palase. And I did See misself as if I was a Stranger for I did Flye in thro a Windew on my Bromstick with my Eyes Lyk Perles. And it did not Seme that I Colde Choose what I Did and Rather tho I did Knowe that this was Eliza Gamut I Colde not Thinke that Littel Shap was me for I was a Grat Ey and Nothinge more. And I Saw misself Poynte to the Demon even tho there were Menny Walles tween us and it Skulk'd in a Garden. The Demon Fled and I Saw misself Leve also. And twas the Demon that I had Seene in my Visions that doe Seme to Want to Posses the Prinse.

My Minde did also Heare the Wordes of Angells who Spok of the Plaines of Helle where the Brandages and the Angell Michal and his Gardian Host Crept in thro their Gate. And after an Hour the Hordes of Helle Cam Streaminge Oer the Ridges with Eys of Fire in Numbers too Grat to Counte. Twas Bravely Fot but the Angells had the Wors of it and twas Plaine that alle Helles Forses had Waited there insted of Redying itself to Fase Heven. And Michael did Bid his Angells Retret and Tak the Brandages to Safety wich they did Leving the Archangell a Wirl of Light Fitinge amid that Hideous Horde Till they Trapt him with a Horibel Net or Cage.

And I doe Knowe that the Swerde of Michael was Givn to a Mortall as a Rewarde but I doe Wonder if twas Givn by Heven or Helle. For if it be Former it may with Father Anthony as you Saye. And if the Latter then I Wonder if the Traytor who Revel the Gate to Dalembertus doe Owne it now.

Also I did see the Manne we Thinke is Caine in the Brig of Captin Stirlinges Shippe. And I did also See him Stande and Walke twards a Garden with Bare and Bledinge Fete and with Two Dark Shaps at his Back with Shadewy Winges. And those were Ille Thinges for Evill Have a Taste on the Aire like Bloode.

And also I did See a Jewess who did Looke a Good Deale Lyk one who I Shal not Name for as you Saye my Love she is Clerly Deade and you Cannot Thinke her Otherwis. But twas a Precos Close Liknes Nonetheless. And she was in Cathay Findinge a Member of the Nistarim Nam'd Xiao Yingcheng and Persudinge him to Signe a Scrol wich did State that one of Yahwehs Angells was a Righteos Judge. And this Jewess did Seme Plesed to Have a Scrol Sign'd by a Chinese Nistarim. And my Lorde I Hop that you doe Knowe what a Nistarim be for notte alle Menne doe Knowe this.

And I did See the Woman Hamilton Puttinge Michal Sung to the Queston which I doe Thinke Plesed her Passinge Wel. And when she was Done she Spok with the Demon Laertes who was in the Shap of a Yonge and Well-Favor'd Man. And twas Plaine that the Demon had been Summon'd by her Husbond's Dabblinges and that she was not Clos Frends with it but she Made no Haste to Revel it to Others.

Ther are Other Thinges that I doe Knowe my Love wich were not Brot to me in that Strange Transe. I have Toled you that I Knewe of one who did Strive to Banish and Binde that Strange Demon with Metal Veins wich did soe Harrey the Hosts of Heven. Tis done and the Demon is Bounde.

The Sisters Spek of the way the Lande doe Recover a Littel but it Seme there is some other Blight wich Aflict it. And they Spek of Tentacled Thinges in the Laks.

And whil I was Entranc'd Mistres verch Morcant did Visit me and Lift me by the Scruf with a Strength wich I doe not Thinke she Owne and Demande the Swerde. She Remember Naught of this and tis Plaine she was Posest and I Think perchance twas the Spirit of Albion. And also methinks I Must Finde this Dratted Swerde for it Seme I May be Lady of the Lak inded tho the Romanses doe not Spek of her Beinge Threwn about by the Collare in that Maner.

The Jezwits Saye that Judas is in Plase and Wille Act within the Season and that the Pope hisself has Granted him Pardon for what he Must doe. They Saye that they Mourne their Agent Thadeus who it Seme Dyed in their Cause. They also Saye that tho the Canon in Spaine is Destroy'd yet their Agents Rech'd it in Time and now Sundrey Plannes are Retrev'd. They Saye also that a Surprise is Laid for those who Tak the Cannon and twill become Cler in Time and that the Orders Agents Sholde Watch for the Signe. They doe Saye that a Storme is Cominge and the Orders Agents Sholde Mak Redy to Leve Quicklye.

The Order of the Rosy Cros doe Bid their Menne Rally to his Grace Lockett to Joyne the Armeys for Heven. And they Spek of Rumors that a Noble from the Germanic States is Trewly a Jezwit Spy. They also Spek of Rumours that a Noble of Albion did Helpe the Papists in the Mater of the Spanish Cannon.

There are also Sundrey Mesages wich I doe Rede in the Starres wich Aper Again and Againe and I have Sette them Below.

We are the Chick the Worlde is our Egg. If we doe notte Brek the Worldes Shelle we Wille Die without Trewly being Borne. Smash the Worldes Shel.

Trew Loves End Sees it Bound and Heven Rejoyces.

Gods Save the King!

Kingdoms Unite under Heart, Albion.

Activiteys in the Americkas have not Caus'd the Worlde to Ende. Again.

I did not Thinke it Meet to Telle Menny of the First of these for it Seme to Spek Wel of Endinge the Worlde wich I Wolde not Encorage. And it doe Sounde a Goode Deale Lyk Somethinge wich a Frend doe Telle me was Sayed of Late by a Jewess who Beare a Strange Resemblanse to a Woman we Know Ded. For it Seme she has been Spekinge of Endinges and Beginninges and Sayinge they are the Same. The Second of these I doe Understande and tis a Mater now Finisht. The Third Spek I Thinke of the Kinge of Cornwall and those Old Beinges wich doe Smyle pon him tho I Knowe this Trubbel you my Lorde. The Thirde I Cannot be Sure for I Wonder if the Heart be Spekinge of Hertfordshire or of a Hart Like that Herne do Seme Like. And the Fourth is Strange to me.

My Lorde methinks I Shall Thinke of more Thinges that I must Telle you but for now tis Best you Reade what has Risen to my Minde.

With Depest Love,


Letter 2

My Love,

The Nistarim is also Knewn as the Tzadikim or Lamedvavniks and also as the Thirty Six. For there tis Sayed in the Olde Jewish Techinges that there be Thirty Six Righteos Jewes who Mak God Plesed with Mankinde. And Nobody doe Knowe who they are not even themselves. And tis Sayed that if one is Kill'd or doe Lerne of his Natur he Stoppe Beinge one of the Nistarim and Another Tak his Plase. And tis Sayed that if one be Corrupted or Caght twixt Lyf and Deth twill Putte Mankinde in Gods Ill Favor and twod be Ill also for the Plase Linkt to that Lamedvavnik.

And there was a Time that the Jezwits Captur'd one of them and Hopt to Change and Controll him and he was Kep in the Cellar of the Earl Marsall. But Sinse I did Thinke the Earl was a Papist I did goe to His Party and Made Goode Use of my Eyes to Looke about his Gronds. And Later that Wek I Come back to His Gronds in the Minde of a Magpye and did Spye in that Wise Till I Notict the Truss'd Jew in his Cellar. And I did Droppe a Worde into the Eares of the Jewes and they were Right Gladde for they had Knewn the Pore Jew was Kidnap'd by Jezwits but Knew notte where to Finde him. They Rescu'd the Jew and I did Warne Lorde Wyndham that Glastenburghy was a Papist as I had alredy Tole him was Like to be Trew but you doe Knowe how Littel Came of that.

With Depest Love,


Letter 3


Well I doe Thank Heven for its Mercey in Changinge your Minde my Lorde for if you had Kep your Eares Clos'd to me on this much Longer I Wolde have Neded to Finde Others who Wolde Lissen.

Of corse the Brandages are notte Bleedinge Ded. For they Wolde be Verry Fules to Die soe when they have Frends Aplenty of the Devillish Sort who Wolde Tak their Shaps and their Plase and this I am Sure did Hapn. And I have Spok with one who has Seene them Twise since their Deth. And the Starres that did Spek of the World Endinge in Fire and Snakes if the Children of the Sons of God and the Dorters of Menne did Walk on the Grass of the Garden doe Saye soe Stille but more Urgent Like. And I doe Knowe that Leah was Askinge bout Cain for I was one of the Peple she Ask'd and we doe Knowe that Caine doe Knowe somethinge of the Garden. And it Trubbel me that the has been Spekinge of Beginninges and Endinges as Beinge the Same for praps she is not Afear'd to Brek this Pore World and Thrive in what Come Hereafter.

As to how to Finde them I doe not Knowe if Leah is Stille in Cathay but when I did See her she was in Hangzhou. I doe Wonder if there was Aught in the Song the Children are Singing in the Strets for Trewths are like Briars and Wille Pushe up in Neglected Plases. The Songe runne thus.

Wire Briar Limber Lock Three Blind Kittens in a Flocke One Ranne East and one Flewe West And one Jump'd over the Gardenne Fence.

Tho if the Brandages Mak two Kitens I doe notte Knowe if the Third be Tsung Chang Mai or noe. Praps they Colde be Founde with the use of a Conjuror but also my Love I doe have the Twinnes Date of Birth wich May Helpe with the Findinge of them.

With Depest Love,


To Father Anthony


Thank you Father. First I Shalle Telle you of Thinges I have Lernt and Seene as I have Always Done. It has been a Time of Strange Visions and Memoreys not my Owne.

I was Granted a Vision of Blacknes and then there was a Name and then another Name. And the First was Asmodai and the Second was the Ashen Vale. And I Knewe or Felt I Sawe that a Darknes did Spred from Invictus. And tho I can Scarse Remember more than this Memorey Lurke in my Minde most Omnously. And there are Some that Saye that if the Evill Spred from Invictus it May be the Doinge of the Whormonger Baron of Ensford.

Dame Kathrine Chandler has of Late Spok with me and it Seme I was too Quick to Thinke her Cur'd. She Sayes that the Exorcism did not Threw the Devill Kerinalamatathatis from her but Merg'd it with her Human Soule. She Sayes that she was once the Angell Kerael and that she Joyn'd with the Rebel Angells not because she Thot they Wolde Winne but Because she Despis'd God and Wish'd to be From his Face. And now She Sayes that she Wishes to Mak the Duchy of the Sublime where she Rein to be a Refuge for those who Wolde not Sufer in Helle but Wolde not goe to Heven. She Saye that she is the First Fallen Angel who have Fre Wil and a Consence. And if you Canne Worke out why the Bledinge Eck she Sholde Telle me alle of this you are a Beter Manne than I.

And I did also See in a Vision a Stret wich I Knowe Wel for I have Walkt it a Thosand Times being as it doe Runne from my own College twards Invisibel. And twas Night and there were Daubs of Red wich did Looke a Deale like Bloode on Door after Door. And there was a Friten'd Blet wich Sounded Lyk a Shep but its Calle was Cutte Short by a Snappe like a Brekinge Neck. The Doores were alle Shut and then there Came a Terribel Whit Light. When twas Gone again then soe were alle Houses that did not Beare the Blody Mark. As we have Sayed twas a Good Deale like the Storey of Passover and praps our Strange Frend Ares is the Bringer of such Thinges. And I doe not Knowe if I Sholde be Askinge the Kinge to Bidde alle his Subjects Daub their Doores with Bloode.

A Demon there was that Came for Prinse Richard wile he was in the Palase. And since I was in a Transe Brot on by my Ritual I did not Choose to Acte but Rather I did See misself as if I was a Stranger for I did Flye in thro a Windew on my Bromstick with my Eyes Lyk Perles. And it did not Seme that I Colde Choose what I Did and Rather tho I did Knowe that this was Eliza Gamut I Colde not Thinke that Littel Shap was me for I was a Grat Ey and Nothinge more. And I Saw misself Poynte to the Demon even tho there were Menny Walles tween us and it Skulk'd in a Garden. The Demon Fled and I Saw misself Leve also. And twas the Demon that I had Seene in Divinatons and Visions that doe Seme to Want to Posses the Prinse.

My Minde did also Heare the Wordes of Angells who Spok of the Plaines of Helle where the Brandages and the Angell Michal and his Gardian Host Crept in thro their Gate. And after an Hour the Hordes of Helle Cam Streaminge Oer the Ridges with Eys of Fire in Numbers too Grat to Counte. Twas Bravely Fot but the Angells had the Wors of it and twas Plaine that alle Helles Forses had Waited there insted of Redying itself to Fase Heven. And Michael did Bid his Angells Retret and Tak the Brandages to Safety wich they did Leving the Archangell a Wirl of Light Fitinge amid that Hideous Horde Till they Trapt him with a Horibel Net or Cage. And I have Heared that the Swerde of Michal was Givn to a Mortall as a Reward but I did not Heare whether it be Givn by Heven or Helle. Father doe you Knowe if the Swerde you Weare be that of Michal?

Also in my Vision I did see the A Manne with a Red Beard in the Brig of Captin Stirlinges Shippe. And I did also See him Stande and Walke twards a Garden with Bare and Bledinge Fete and with Two Dark Shaps at his Back with Shadewy Winges. And those were Ille Thinges for Evill Have a Taste on the Aire like Bloode. And I have Spok with Ceptin Stirling and we Thinke the Manne is Caine for he Beare the Marke and Wille not Die. Tis Likely that the Brandages have Spok with him bout Findinge Eden for I Knowe that Leah did Seke him.

And also in my Visions I did see Leah Brandage. And she was in Cathay Findinge a Member of the Nistarim Nam'd Xiao Yingcheng and Persudinge him to Signe a Scrol wich did State that one of Yahwehs Angells was a Righteos Judge. And this Jewess did Seme Plesed to Have a Scrol Sign'd by a Chinese Nistarim. And methinks this May be a Magickal Token of some sort.

And whil I was Entranc'd Mistres verch Morcant did Visit me and Lift me by the Scruf with a Strength wich I doe not Thinke she Owne and Demande a Certin Swerde. She Remember Naught of this and tis Plaine she was Posest and I Think perchance twas some Grat Spirit of the Lande. But it Seme that I Sholde Finde this Dratted Swerde the Starres do Bleat about alle the Time. For methinks I May have Made misself Lady of the Lak or some such Fulish Thinge.

The Jezwits Saye that Judas is in Plase and Wille Act within the Season and that the Pope hisself has Granted him Pardon for what he Must doe. They Saye that they Mourne their Agent Thadeus who it Seme Dyed in their Cause. They also Saye that tho the Canon in Spaine is Destroy'd yet their Agents Rech'd it in Time and now Sundrey Plannes are Retrev'd. They Saye also that a Surprise is Laid for those who Tak the Cannon and twill become Cler in Time and that the Orders Agents Sholde Watch for the Signe. They doe Saye that a Storme is Cominge and the Orders Agents Sholde Mak Redy to Leve Quicklye. But Most of alle tis Judas that I Feare.

There are also Sundrey Mesages wich I doe Rede in the Starres wich Aper Again and Againe and I have Sette them Below.

We are the Chick the Worlde is our Egg. If we doe notte Brek the Worldes Shelle we Wille Die without Trewly being Borne. Smash the Worldes Shel.

Trew Loves End Sees it Bound and Heven Rejoyces.

Gods Save the King!

Kingdoms Unite under Heart, Albion.

Activiteys in the Americkas have not Caus'd the Worlde to Ende. Again.

I did not Thinke it Meet to Telle Menny of the First of these for it Seme to Spek Wel of Endinge the Worlde wich I Wolde not Encorage. And it doe Sounde a Goode Deale Lyk Somethinge wich a Frend doe Telle me was Sayed of Late by Leah Brandage. For it Seme she has been Spekinge of Endinges and Beginninges and Sayinge they are the Same. The Second of these I doe Understande and tis a Mater now Finisht. The Third Spek I Thinke of the Kinge of Cornwall. The Forth I Cannot be Sure for I Wonder if the Heart be Spekinge of Hertfordshire or of a Hart that is to Saye the Deer. And the Fourth is Strange to me.

I Telle you alle of this so that you doe Knowe what is Happninge in the Menny Worldes.

Father I doe not Knowe if you Canne doe Aught to Protect the Prinse from Devillry but if you can Pray doe so for I doe not Knowe that I Canne Friten off a Demon Lyk that Twice. And in Soothe I doe not Knowe how I did it the First Time.

I doe not Knowe if you Canne Helpe in the Mater of the Brandages Father but if they doe Walk in Edenn it Seme we are alle Lost. Otherwis methinks I Wolde be Gratfull for Helpe in Findinge that Swerde for I Thinke it Sholde Blong in the Hande of Prinse Richard.

God Helpe us both,


bonus.eliza_gamut_correspondence_13.txt · Last modified: 2009/03/15 11:30 by ivan