I had Toled you that I did Thinke the Brandages yet Liv'd and now I doe Heare that tis Trew inded. Father I Knowe that you have Trusted the Twinnes but I doe Thinke that they Seke the Gardenne for the Starres do Warne again and again of the End of the Worlde in Fire and Snakes if the Children of the Sons of God and Doters of Eve do Walke pon its Grasse. Tis in almost every Charte now Father as if the Starres Grewe Quit Desprat to Warne us of the Danger. And I have Wonder'd if they did Trewly Mistak when they Caus'd the Archangel to be Taen for it doe Come to my Minde that if Heven be Oerthrewn then the Garden Wille be Ungarded. And to Rech Heven the Forces of Helle Wolde Nede a Sorcror and Theurgist and the Twinnes are such. And if they doe as I Feare they must be Stopt Father or this Endes alle. I Canne do Naught in this Mater misself for I Shal be about a Pece of Magick to Save Albion wich Shal Leve me Able to do Naught else this Six Month.
I have Cast another Charte for the Cron Prinse and have seen how the Doom that Aflict him Grews Worse. But there are Some Plannes wich we Hop Wille Helpe Ope the Grayl. There is also a Demon wich methinks Seme to Wishe to Poses the Prince and so Controll the Lande tho of Late it has been Less Intrested. Father if you doe Knowe a Way that the Prinse Colde be Kept Safe from being Posest twod be a Goode Thinge.
The Kinges Charte Stille Shewes some Thre or more Plottes to Unseat him and alle these Plottes Growe twards their Endes. And Father tho we both Hopt twas not soe I am now Certin that one of these Plottes is the Werk of Wyndham and Hamilton. Father you Must Spek Nothinge of this for his Lordshippe must not Knowe that I am Lookinge into his Bisnesse. His Lordshippe doe Carry one of the Jezwit Croses wich Blurre and Blocke my Divinatons a Good Deale but Cannot Blinde it Compleatly. I did Cast a Divinaton to Knowe what Wyndham did Intend for the Kinge and tho the Glass did Mist I Colde Telle that he Meant His Majestey Harme. I did also Cast to Knowe who did Give the Order for the Deth of Lady Wyndham and Saw a Blurr'd Figure Walkinge from the House of Comons and I doe have Littel Dout who that be nor doe I Thinke it a Diffrent Manne than he for whom Lady Hamilton Grewes Thick bout the Wast. And I Knowe now that the Admiral of the Whit was Murder'd soe that Lady Hamilton Might Tak his Plase. And there is much Other Mater and Evidense besides Father a very Grat Deale and now there is no Dout Left in me. I must Take it Biterly for there was a Time when I did Thinke that my Lord Wyndham was a Master that I Sholde be Gladde to Serve alle my Days.
He has his Fingers Dep in the Jezwits now and does Mak them Scarecrewes to Mak Albion Trembel. Tis Punch and Judy Father for we are one Pupet and the Jezwits the other and he doe Mak us Strik at each Other so that we are too Blinde in our Quarel to See the Crocodil wich Rise behind us.
Father tis not Hopeles and it Canne be Proven and the Plann'd Violense Prevented and I Meane to Mak Certin of this. I am about a Grat Piece of Magick Father Grater than ever I did Atempt. I Hop that I Shalle Have your Blesinge in this.
Wyndham has Spok of a Grat Conspracy mongst the Merchant Companeys to Oerthrew the Kinge but my Glas Shewes no such Thinge. Wich I doe Tak to Meane either that they have Meanes to Block my Glas Compleatly or that there be no such Conspiracey mongst them.
I have Toled you Father of the Nightmare where I did See the Gates of Heven Stormed by Fearfull Hordes of Unclen Thinges and also by a Vast Cretur with Metal Veins. I now Knowe more of this Last but Cannot Saye more for I have Made a Promise.1) But tis Posibel if alle goe Welle that this Thinge Shalle be Banisht Soone.
For now I Must Thinke that the Host are Losinge the Battel for the Angells doe Falle thro our Roofs every Five Minits.
Of Late I have Visit'd may Cortes with the Angelle of Trewth for to See if his Presense did Mak the Trewth of a Case come out in Spit of Bribes and the Tricks of the Powrfull. It doe soe a Littel but Chefly because my Gleminge Frend do Lep from the Gallery Bellowinge and Thwackinge Perjrers with the Flatte of his Blad.
Once again I have been Givn Sundrey Glimses into other Mindes. One such did Ponder an Imp wich did Performe Actes most Unatural with a Catte Nam'd Biggels.2) Another methinks was Spekinge with an Angell or at Lest one who Wisht him to Telle Everyone that Everythinge was Fine.3)
Father I Shalle Telle you alle that the Order of Arundell doe Saye to their Agents but in Sooth I Thinke a Good Deale of it be the Result of Wyndhams Crafte.The Jezwits doe Saye that they have Lost Contact with the Agents in Gibraltar and that the Same has Happend to many Members of the Households of the Corte of Albion and the Kinge. Tis praps Fitzes doinge methinks. They also Wishe to Finde the Franzberg Canon and are Quite Hapy to Lette the Worlde Thinke they have it so that it Trembel. And I doe Wonder if the Hande of Wyndham is in this too for he Wolde have alle Feare them. They doe also Saye that the Holy Roman Empress Sholde be Kill'd.
I have also Seene Menny Thinges in the Starres of Late wich doe not Looke Wel. Over and over the Starres doe Telle me that Everythinge is Wel but if I Colde Thinke that the Firmamente did Spek with Panick I Wolde Thinke it Now. Also I have Seene other Mesages wich Runne Thus:
Madnes Leads the Host.
The End is Nigh.
The Whit Prisn must be Reforg'd.
The Bottel has been Open'd.
The Swerde Wil be a Fair Judge.
Water Leches the Lyt from the Babes.
The First of these Trubbel me for when I did have my Nightmare of the Storminge of Heven the Host was Led by a Gleminge Figur with Grat Winges who did Spek with a Voice most Beuteos and Bell Like but did Bidde its Forces Slay and Kille and Eviserat. He was so Brit I Colde Scarse Looke on him and his Face did Kep a Looke of Pease even whil He Tore Leser Demons Apart with his Handes.4)
The Second Nede no Coment. The Third I now Knowe Somethinge of but Cannot Say for that Same Promise I Menton'd bfore.5) The [Fourth] I did Thinke to be the Bottel of Raguel but Father Anthony Saye that that Bottel is alredy Open'd.6) I Cannot Saye wich Swerde is here Spok of unless it be the Swerde of devries. As to the Last Omen methinks you are Right and it Speks of Lilith and the Babes who have been Dyinge in Oxford.7)
At Corte Phlegm did almost Climb into my Hatte with Feare of a Manne who was there and who did Wear a Sign about Trisetereratorotops. I Cannot Get Sense out of the Littel Flebagge but he did Begge me to Get away from the Manne. So I did soe and Knowe Naught more of him.
Last of alle Father I doe Finde misself Beset by Star Goats and tho they be but Smal yet they doe Weare pon my Nerves for they doe Recall some Bad Dreames wich I did Have as a Childe and what Bisnesse they have under Beddes and in Garderobes I Cannot Fathom.
God Helpe us alle,
My Love,
It doe Seme that Half of Egypped have Come Back with me for there is Sande Stille in my Hatte and my Shoes and alle of my Clothes even those I did not Tak to the Desert. And the Kiten is Aslep on my Stayes and it doe Clawe the Aire in its Dremes soe I doe not Like to Nudge it. And the Toppe of my Nose is Stille Sunburnt. But I Sholde be Gladde that we did Escap Africka with our Lives and without Buyinge any Rugges. It Trubbel me tho that Somebody had Come bfore us and Took what the Spnninks did Garde and methinks twas their Minde that I did Glimse alle those Months ago.
My Love tis as I Thot and the Brandages Live. And I doe Thinke that they Seke the Gardenne for the Starres do Warne again and again of the End of the Worlde in Fire and Snakes if the Children of the Sons of God and Doters of Eve do Walke pon its Grasse. The Deth of the Worlde in Fire and Snakes is in almost every Charte my Love. And I have Wonder'd if they did Trewly Mistak when they Caus'd the Archangel to be Taen for it doe Come to my Minde that if Heven be Oerthrewn then the Garden Wille be Ungarded. And to Rech Heven the Forces of Helle Wolde Nede a Sorcror and Theurgist and the Twinnes are such. And if they doe as I Feare they must be Stopt or alle our other Eforts are for Naught. Father Anthony Saye he have Spok with the Prisner Michal but Michal is without Hop and doe Thinke that he Cannot be Sav'd.
I have Cast a Charte for the Cron Prinse as I have Toled you and the Doom that Aflict him Grews Worse. I did See the Croninge of the Prinse as Kinge of Cornwall but tis byond my Powr to Telle if this be Goode or Badde for Albion. Tho as I have Toled you it Seme that if in our Darkest Hor we doe Give the Swerde of de Vries to the Prinse twill not Mak Thinges much the Worse and May Mak Thinges Beter.
There Stille Seme to be some Intrest in the Prinse from a Demon wich Like you I Thinke to be Fitzes Master Abadon8) but this Intrest has Wan'd a Littel. And I did Cast a Divinaton to See Somethinge of the Natur of this Interst and did See the Prinse with a Demon Shap of Ghastly Aspect O'erlaid Face oer Face and Hande over Hande and Limbe oer Limbe. And when the Demon did Move the Prinse Mov'd also as one Controll'd. Wich I doe Tak to Meane that the Demon Seke to Poses the Prinse because the Prinse is Linkt to the Lande and to Have Albion that way. Tis Posibel that we Colde Aske the Spirit of Albion to Kep the Prinse from being Posest but tis a Dangrous Game for I doe not Knowe what we May Telle that Spirit without Wyndham be Toled also.
The Kinges Charte Shew no New Threts but the Olde doe Grew Closer. I did Caste a Divinaton to See who was the Masterminde in the Deth of Lady Wyndham and as you Saye did See a Blurr'd Figur Levinge the House of Comons. The Cros do indede Block Divinaton but not it Seme Compleatly but I Wolde Dereley Like one of thos Croses. As I have Sayed the Divinaton to See the Meanes of the Killinge of the Admiral of the Whit did Shew him being Past a Mappe bout wich Somethinge was Strange or Awry and then the Admiral Marchinge out the Roome. And then it did Shewe a Port of Albion and Menny Warshippes beinge Loaded but one Shippe Leavinge the Rest with the Admiral hisself at the Helme. And as I have Sayed my Divinaton to Finde the Highest Plac'd member of Alle the Kinges Menne in the Kinges Gard is Nam'd Joseph Carter who I did Thinke the Kinge Seem'd Surpris'd to Find a Trator.
Tho Fitz doe not Knowe it I now Have his Date of Birth and have Drewn up a Charte. Where it doe Seme he Playe with Demonnes a Grat Deale with doe not I Thinke Surprise either of us Gratly. And for the Time Beinge he doe not Seme to Play us Fals for I See no Marke of him Actinge gainst you or I or the Royal Famly but this doe not Meane he Wille not. I doe not Knowe where you Wolde Finde him in your Bestiarie but methinks tis a Cretur with Poison in it and a Temper most Uncertin. Bware his Stinge my noble Lord Leppard.
And Whil we Spek of Dangrous Creturs I Must Telle you that my Lord Wyndham did Come to Spek with me after the Metinge of the Privy Concil a Littel Gray of Contenanse. He did first Aske me if I Knewe Aught of Fitz and soe I did Telle him a Little of Somethinge and a Goode Deale of Nothinge Sayinge alle in alle that I did not Trust him but that my Magick did Telle me that Fitz did not Seme to be Playinge him Fals at the Moment but Biddinge my Lord Wyndham be Carefull.
And he did Passe on to Spek of the Kinges Investigaton and I did Wrinkel my Browe and Saye that I had Heared of it. And he Ask'd if I Colde Bidde the Sisters Spek for him and Saye that he Work'd only for Albion. And I Sayed that I Colde doe more than that and Aske the Sisters to Raise the Spirit of the Whit Admiral. But my Lorde Wyndham Sayed the Bodie of the Admiral was Wash'd away by a Grat and Suden Wave. So I Sayed that the Witches are Like a Bagge of Cattes and tis no Smal Mater to Bidde them alle do or Saye the Same but I Wolde See what I Colde do. And I did Aske Right Loyally if he did Wishe me to Looke into those Thinges with wich he was Charg'd that I Might Helpe him Cler his Name. And he did Saye that he Knew I was Hard-Prest and twas best I Save my Magick to Protect the Kinge. And I did Saye that Surely to Kep my Lord Wyndham from Ruin was the Best way to Protect the Kinge for he was the Manne best Able to do it. And he did Saye that the Jezwits Thretend to Strike at any Time and I Sholde Looke into them Lest they Cut Downe the Kinge for he Sayed that he hisself was of Littel Account next to Kinge and he Wolde Gladly Lose his Lyf Sooner than See Harme come to his Liege. At wich Point we were both too Mov'd by his Nobilitey of Spirit to Spek for a Few Moments.
I doe not Knowe if he Trewly Thinkes that I am his Cretur in this. Tis Posibel that he Seke to Sound me out Carefully or to Lette me Thinke him Blinde.
I did Cast a Divinaton to Finde whether ther be Trewth in what Wyndham has Sayed of the Merchant Companeys Plottinge a Coup but the Glas Shewed me Naught. Wich I doe Tak to Meane either that they have Meanes to Block my Glas Compleatly or that there be no such Conspiracey mongst them.
Of Late I have Visit'd may Cortes with the Angelle of Trewth for to See if his Presense did Mak the Trewth of a Case come out in Spit of Bribes and the Tricks of the Powrfull. It doe soe a Littel but Chefly because my Gleminge Frend do Lep from the Gallery Bellowinge and Thwackinge Perjrers with the Flatte of his Blad. Wich is not so Suttel as I had Hopt.
I have alredy Toled you of my Nightmare of the Demons Atackinge Hel and also the Grat Metal-Veint Beinge that also Fot the Hevenly Host. There is a Planne afoot to Deale with this Last Beinge but I Cannot Say more my Love for I am Bounde by a Promise. I Wille be Helpinge but doe not Feare for I am not Like you and Wille not be Tradinge Punches with an Archduk but Wille goe no Nearer the Fit than to Draw a Star Charte. But the Warre it doe not goe Welle and my Lorde Gray Sayes that a Smal Host of Angells are Hidinge under his Bedde.
Once again I have been Givn Sundrey Glimses into other Mindes. One such did Ponder an Imp wich did Performe Actes most Unatural with a Catte Nam'd Biggels. Another wich I Thinke to be Wyndham or Hamilton or one of the Peple was Thinkinge of Somewhere Packt with Loyal Spies Redy to doe what they Deem'd Necesary. The Third methinks was Spekinge with an Angell or at Lest one who Wisht him to Telle Everyone that Everythinge was Fine.
Lady Hamilton has been Selling Monopleys as Chanselor of the Holy Roman Empres and the Merchant Companeys have been Right Hungrey for them. Methinks tis Likely to Mak her a Goode amount of Money and May Mak the Companeys who have Bot them Feare to See her Oerthrewn for Feare the Papers they Have Bot Wille Lose their Werthe.
The Order of the Rosy Cros doe Seme to Belive that the Storeys of the Jezwit Cell with Mighty Magicks in Dorset is Trew but they doe Saye that the Manne they Sent to Looke into it is Disaperd. The Rosy Cros Thinke they must be Delt with First and Foremost. They doe not Wishe to Send in Troopes and Saye that Magicans Sholde be Sente insted. Tis their Belif that the Jezwits have the Franzberg Canon.
The Order of Arundel doe Saye that they have Lost Contact with the Agents in Gibraltar and that the Same has Happend to many Members of the Households of the Corte of Albion and the Kinge. Tis praps Fitzes doinge methinks.
They also Wishe to Finde the Franzberg Canon and are Quite Hapy to Lette the Worlde Thinke they have it so that it Trembel. And I doe Wonder if the Hande of Wyndham is in this too for he Wolde have alle Feare them. They doe also Saye that the Holy Roman Empress Sholde be Kill'd.
I have also Seene Menny Thinges in the Starres of Late wich doe not Looke Wel. Over and over the Starres doe Telle me that Everythinge is Wel but if I Colde Thinke that the Firmamente did Spek with Panick I Wolde Thinke it Now. Also I have Seene other Mesages wich Runne Thus:
Madnes Leads the Host.
The End is Nigh.
The Whit Prisn must be Reforg'd.
The Bottel has been Open'd.
The Swerde Wil be a Fair Judge.
Water Leches the Lyt from the Babes.
The First of these Trubbel me for when I did have my Nightmare of the Storminge of Heven the Host was Led by a Gleminge Figur with Grat Winges who did Spek with a Voice most Beuteos and Bell Like but did Bidde its Forces Slay and Kille and Eviserat. He was so Brit I Colde Scarse Looke on him and his Face did Kep a Looke of Pease even whil He Tore Leser Demons Apart with his Handes.
The Second Nede no Coment. The Third I now Knowe Somethinge of but Cannot Say for that Same Promise I Menton'd bfore. The [Fourth] I did Thinke to be the Bottel of Raguel but Father Anthony Saye that that Bottel is alredy Open'd. I Cannot Saye wich Swerde is here Spok of unless it be the Swerde of devries. The Last Omen I am Certin Speks of Lilith and the Babes who have been Dyinge in Oxford for she is Linkt to the Ocean I doe Thinke this Littel Ones Deths to be her Doinge.
My Love Havinge Writ so Much I doe Feel Quit Sick and Ill at Ease for in these Wordes I have Marshall'd Menny of my Worries into Rankes and now they Marche upon my Minde. I Wishe you were Here my Lorde but I Knowe you Cannot be. Take Care in this Broken Worlde my Love and Try not to Fit any more Archduks.
With Depest Love,
This letter was sent to The Right Honourable Lord Alexander Gray, Captain Sir Nathaniel Greyhawk, Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live Jones, MP, Captain Dick Smashing, Major-General the Lord Walter Devereux and His Grace Henry Lockett, Archbishop of Edinburgh.
My Friends,
My Lord Devereux has Spok to us alle about the Danger that doe Seme to Thretn the Kinge and the Verry Crown. Tis Meet that we Knowe alle we Canne so that if my Lord Wyndham and my Lady Hamilton are Inosent we Knowe it Quick and Canne Breth a Sigh of Relif and Looke to Other Maters. And if as we Feare they are Gilty then we Must alle be Redy to Acte Fast to Prevent the Kinge beinge Oerthrewne or more Likeley Kill'd for now they are Beinge Investigated tis Like they Wil Choose to Act Sooner not Later.
Some of you of Late did Helpe me to Gaine the Eye of a Sfhinx. This I did Nede for a Grat Ritual wich now I have the Powr and Skil to Cast. Twill Meane that for a Six Month if I doe Give myself to a Task then I Shal be Like an Oracle and Knowe Menny Thinges that are Neded to Compleat that Task. The Task I Meane to Choose is to Remove Threts to the Crown Lookinge Mainly to this Grat Conspiracy that we doe Suspect. For I have Drawn Starre Chartes for his Majestey and there be at Lest Thre Plottes to Kil or Replase him.
I doe Hop that this Spel Wille Shewe me all Members of this Grat Conspiracey also the Codenames and Passwordes and Meetinge Plases that they Use also the Plases where they doe Leve Leters and Orders and such Like. And also their Plannes and the way those Plannes Shal Change when they doe Finde themselves Investigated. And also More of the Murder of the Admiral of the Whit and the Murder of Lady Wyndham and I Hop Meanes to Prove the Gilt of the Murdrers.
My Frends when I Cast this Ritual I Believe I Shalle Knowe alle these Thinges and More but I Shalle be Unable to doe more than Knowe and Spek what I Knowe. If tis not to be Wasted then Others must Acte on what I Shal Telle so that we Canne Best these Threts and Dance one Steppe ahead of our Enemeys even as they Change their Plannes. If you Gentelmenne Canne Putte Aside some of your Time to Act pon what I Shal Knowe when I have Cast the Ritual then twod be Welle inded and we May yet Suced in this.
For in this Fellewshippe are Many of Grat Powr and Skil. Some are Gratly Skild in Armes and Canne Best Vile Atacks and Asasinatons if they have Warninge. Some are Sea Faringe Menne and Beter Plased than the Rest to Lerne more of Dangers and Spyes in the Navy if they Canne be Toled where to Looke. Some have Menne at Armes who can Seize Stashes of Gunpowder and Armes Laid Aside with Ill Intent. Some have Inflense and are Gratly Respected and Wil be Heard if they Spek out Publickly or Droppe Wordes in the Right Eare. Some have Convers with alle Maner of Menne and Beest and Magical Beinges and Canne Calle on their Helpe. And alle are Stronge in Fath.
I Aske that you Telle Nobody outside our Fellewshippe what I am about for if it Come to the Atenton of those Plottinge gainst the Crown then I Thinke my Lyf Wil be Werthe a Littel Less than a Grap Pippe.
God Helpe us alle,
Dame Eliza Gamut
Your Lordshippe,
We have Spok alredy of the Mater of Zacharias Fitz. As I Saye his Charte Shew no Sign of Trechery at Present but that is notte to Saye that such Things are gainst his Natur and I Wolde Advise you be Very Carefull in Dealinge with him my Lorde. I have Spok with him again but Have Lernt Littel More than that he do Spend some Time in the Stews and with the Women of the Town. But he doe Seeme to Enjoy Frendly Railery with me and I Hop he Wille Come to Spek more Frely about hisself.
As you have Ask'd I Shal Spek with the Sisters but as I Saye they are Like a Parlement of Cattes and you Cannot be Sure wich way any Wil goe only that they Shal not goe where they are Pusht. But I Shal Putte misself to the Taske and Lette us Hop tis Werth the Wissel.
I Have Lernt more of the Panama Canal as you have Askt and it doe Seme that the Taint Come from Smal Imps wich Obey his Lordshippe Haroun ibn Rasheed. They Swim in the Waters and doe Clim onto the Boats for to Spy on them and See who is there and What is Below Deckes. This it is that Tainte the Waters and Mak the Natural Spirits of the Water Afear'd. Tis Something that I Thot your Lordshippe Wolde Wishe Brot to your Atenton.
My Lorde the War in Heven doe not I Thinke go Wel for alle that the Angells doe Telle us that alle is Fine. For I have had a Frightfull Nightmare that was more Vision than a Trick of Slep in wich I did See a Terribl Armey of Demons wich did Storm the Gates of Heven and Fit with the Host. The Host Sufers for tis Divided for it Must Fit not only the Demons but a Grat Cretur with Veins of Metal Like to that Terribel Thinge of wich the Sailors Spek that did Destroy Nipon.
Also I have Heared that some Angells are Found Hidinge under Beddes wich doe not Comfort me Gratly.
I am also Sore Trubbeld by the Starres for they Stille Warne again and again of the End of the Worlde in Fire and Snakes if the Children of the Sons of God and Doters of Eve do Walke pon its Grasse. The Deth of the Worlde in Fire and Snakes is in almost every Charte.
I have Cast a Charte for the Cron Prinse as I have Toled you and the Doom that Aflict him Grews Worse but not at the same Pace that it did bfore. And it doe Seme that for a Time a Demon did Tak Intrest in him but now it Seme this Intrest doe Wane. The Kinges Charte is much as bfore but that the Plottes gainst him doe Advanse. My Lorde I Shall Kep Lookinge for the Omens of a Jezwit Atack gainst him but also See if I Canne doe Aught to Hunt out the Pockets of these Murdringe Papists before they Can Strik. For I am Toled that they doe Mak their Boltinge Hole in Dorset. And my Lorde Sholde you Finde yourself with one of those Croses that they doe Use to Fend gainst the Divininge Arts I Wolde Gladdely have it in my Handes soe that I Might Studie it.
Since your Lordshippe has Sayed that you Wolde Wishe me to Report Stille on what I Heare of the Order of Arundel I Shal doe soe. The Order doe Saye that they have Lost Contact with their Agents in Gibraltar and that the Same has Happend to many Members of the Households of the Corte of Albion and the Kinge. They also Wishe to Finde the Franzberg Canon but they are Quite Hapy to Lette the Worlde Thinke they have it so that it Trembel. Most Trubblinge of alle they Telle their Agents that the Holy Roman Empress Sholde be Kill'd. They also Spek of their best Agent who is Call'd Judas and who they Saye has Infiltrated his Target and is Redy to Strik tho This my Lorde I Thinke you have alredy been Toled. The Fallinge of Menny Angells from Heven the Papists doe Tak as a Sign of Favor from God for they Saye he has Sent them Helpers from Heven.
I have also Seene Menny Thinges in the Starres of Late wich doe not Looke Wel. Over and over the Starres doe Telle me that Everythinge is Wel but if I Colde Thinke that the Firmamente did Spek with Panick I Wolde Thinke it Now. Also I have Seene other Mesages wich Runne Thus:
Madnes Leads the Host.
The End is Nigh.
The Whit Prisn must be Reforg'd.
The Bottel has been Open'd.
The Swerde Wil be a Fair Judge.
Water Leches the Lyf from the Babes.
The First of these Trubbel me for when I did have my Nightmare of the Storminge of Heven the Host was Led by a Gleminge Figur with Grat Winges who did Spek with a Voice most Beuteos and Bell Like but did Bidde its Forces Slay and Kille and Eviserat. He was so Brit I Colde Scarse Looke on him and his Face did Kep a Looke of Pease even whil He Tore Leser Demons Apart with his Handes.
The Second Nede no Coment. The Third is Most Mystrios to me. The Fourth I did Thinke to be the Bottel of Raguel but I am Toled by one I Trust that that Bottel is alredy Open'd. I Cannot Saye wich Swerde is here Spok of unless it be the Swerde of devries. The Last Omen methinks Speks of the Babes who have been Dyinge in Oxford wich I doe Thinke to be the Werke of Lilith. Lilith is one of thos who Seke the Gardenne of Eden and Nede to be Stopt.
Once again I have been Givn Sundrey Visions of Thots in other Mindes. One such did Ponder an Imp wich did Performe Actes most Unatural with a Catte Nam'd Biggels. This Seme soe Strange that I Wonder if praps this be no Vison at alle but Rather the Fault of the Tripe I et the Night bfore. Another methinks was Spekinge with an Angell or at Lest one who Wisht him to Telle Everyone that Everythinge was Fine.
The Spirit of Invisibel College is now Found for twas Lockt in a Grat Chest by the Olde Master. It Stille Lives but has been Sore Abus'd for it Seme that the Olde Master when he Made Pacts with Demons did Oft Lette them Torment the Poor Thinge. It has Sufered much and twill take a Long Time bfore it Wille Start to Thrive again. But it doe Seme that the New Master and New Dean doe Wishe to Mak a Fresh Start and are Takinge Pains to Mak Sure that the Sorcry Department doe not become a Sethinge Nest of Infernalists again.
As was to be Expected it Seme that Captin Smashinge is now Admiral Smashinge and Led the Privteers. Twas Publicky Sayed that he was Voted in because he was in Favor of Dirigible Piracy and Powder that you Colde Use and Swear without Feare of Snezinge. But in Sooth twas Mainly because tis Well Knewn that Many of those Sea Dogges doe See him as a Manne who Wil Stoppe the Navy Mussellinge in on the Order and who Wil Helpe them Expand.
My Lorde if there is Aught I Canne do to Helpe in the Mater of this Investigaton of your Lordshippe and the Lady Hamilton then I Hop you Wille Telle me. But if it is what you Wishe then I Shalle Putte my Magickal Eforts into Lerninge more of these Jezwit Asasins of wich my Divinaton Warn'd me. As you Saye the Kinge must be Kep Safe at alle Costs.
God Helpe us alle,
Dame Eliza Gamut