Table of Contents

Turn 1 News

News received for September in the Year of Our Lord 1604

News in England is distributed by a wide variety of ways. These include notices pasted on the boards of Churches and Taverns and notes sent around the courtiers by the messengers of the nobility and gentry. The most popular distribution however is from the pulpit and the press - the priests and preachers of all churches pass news onto their congregations in town and countryside while many write and publish pamphlets they distribute far and wide. Here follows a collection of the most interesting and important news.

The Luncheon Friends

A neat little note, circulated in some of the more reputable establishments.

The Luncheon Friends would be meeting at the House of Sir Richard Molyneux to discuss the repercussions of the capitulation of the Irish at noon on the 30th of September. Those wishing to be invited should contact Sir Richard Molyneux.

A Call to Arms for the English People

Extracts from a pamphlet circulated around London and environs.

…And thus it can be seen how vile Sloth has infected even the youthful and vigorous of this fair nation; yea, even in the halls of the Mighty there is no true Righteousness. Thus it must be that the English people rise up and reclaim their birthright as the Chosen of God! Though the land suffers under a Tyrant King, and though the monuments to our Lord have been torn down and scattered, there is yet hope for one holy and Catholic England…

The pamphlet continues at some length, decrying Protestant idleness and calling upon the people of England to rise up, overthrow Henry and return to the true Roman faith. It is signed, simply, “Solomon”.

A Diverting Tale of the Wonders of the New World

Extracts from a folio containing a mixture of botanical, anthropological and geographical news, relating wonderful and bizarre tales of life in the Roanoke colony and environs.

…indeed, though at first most Strange and Terrifying in appearance, these savages - who call themselves Croatan - are both welcoming and hospitable. Their Tribes are ruled by the Heires Male and Female of the eldest Sisters of their Royal Lines, and thus it is that their Queen, or Weroansqua, rules absolute without need of Husband or Father to direct her….

…The air in these regions is both Sweet and Plentiful, and the finest Alchemists have indicated to us that it is most Conducive to Fair Health and the good operation of the Spleen. The land, meanwhile, is exceptionally Fertile…

…and finally, it is fair to say that in no way are the Colony and its Environs more remarkable than in the great Opportunity they offer for any young Man or Woman of good Character, strong Mind and clean Morals. The very Carpenters and Laundresses in today's Roanoke are tomorrow's Governors and Nobles of this NEW ENGLAND across the Ocean…

The volume is much of the same, relating highly positive anecdotes of life in the Americas while trying to encourage people to come and join up.

An Opportunity of Note in Ireland

Discreetly posted on the noticeboards of shops and coffeehouses in Westminster frequented by the rich and noble, though not by the very rich and very noble.

Praise the memory of Queen Elizabeth, may God bless her! Before her tragic passing Her Majesty crushed the misguided Irish rebels. Led astray by their treacherous lords those simple folk proved no match for either spirit or steel of England. And now that green and peaceful isle, whose gentle rain and mild climate cause crops to spring forth from the fertile soil in bounteous profusion, has become a land of opportunity!

The Lord Deputy has entrusted Willby and Pace, solicitors, with the task of selling the vacated estates of attainted traitors and rebels to good proud Englishmen. The loyal subjects of that land have learned both the firmness and clemency of the English and have come to love both. Land in Ireland is cheap now but its value can only appreciate as others learn that large estates, populated by friendly natives, are available for sale at such generous prices. Be amongst the first to own a part of the future, a future of land and prosperity in the loyal land of Ireland!

The Righteous Wax Mighty in France

Printed in smeared ink on cheap paper, and handed round at Puritan meetings though circulation is somewhat wider.

France, oh you unhappy land, bordered by Vile Catholic Tyranny whose agents travel everywhere within your borders. The weight of tithes paid to indolent priests presses down upon your people, and the wars fomented by plotting Papists spend the flower of your chivalry.

But Hope springs forth! From the North offers of aid and brotherhood. We who have broken the chains forged by the Servant of the Adversary in Rome would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you. And from within a strong new King, for we have heard that your noble Louis - latest in a long line of lions to bear that proud name - has said: “Enough!” And so say we: “Enough of priests and cardinals. We are Children of God, fallen equally low in his eyes. Enough of the commands of Rome and her depravity and corruption. Enough!”

France, oh you happy country, your strong king shall bring you Freedom and the Protestant faith.

The Sorcerous Scoundrels

A popular anti-magic pamphlet

Know that our fair England is beset by enemies of power from within who have the powers to corrupt and taint. None can escape from their twisted ways but by the close adherence to the Word of God and constant prayer and faith in Our Lord. Those who are not pure are as susceptible to their manipulation as that Major Bellsby who hath served their devilish purposes by assaulting the good Lord of Bath.

Escaped and unpunished, his own soul rotting and corrupted by the unholy magics which must have surely forced him to this desperate act. Whatever he may have taken from the Viscount of Bath that the English Church foolishly wished to keep and study, can only be used to ends foul and terrible. Any mage now could be summoning demons into our realm to twist and corrupt this holy country further. Only the Faithful can stand against these unholy men.

Continues to give examples of magical corruption across this fair country. Signed “William the Prophet”

Viscount of Bath’s Circular Excerpt

A short notice supplied to those attending court.

Some month ago a terrible crime was committed upon my own land, a crime that shall not go unpunished. The renegade and traitor Major Bellsby of the Earl of Essex’s Dragoons assaulted my own home and stronghold of Bath Castle and took from my protection an artefact entrusted to me by the Church.

Attacking my own men and fighting against my own son, this man acquired an artefact that was being guarded and preserved for study in my vaults.

This terrible crime can only lead to more, for who knows what the terrible mages among us can do.

The Pope’s Crusade Renewed – A Pamphlet

by Lamentation Tolford

It is no secret that the Catholics would have England ‘restored’ to their religion by any means and their numbers continue to infest this country like a plague. Yet they are tolerated and behind this there is no question that they plot, every day, to return this free country to the Terror of Rome.

They speak out against the Holy as if we are Heretics and accuse us of a false religion, but it is they who have strayed long ago leaving any semblance of Love for Our Lord behind. For now the Pope is an Antichrist, bent only on personal power, making people worship his Person rather than the Lord God. His followers and servants everywhere corrupt and degrade good Protestants so that they might easier take England under their yoke.

Heed this, for only last week in Woking the Papist Bishop preached a terrible sermon that called for the babies born into Christ’s love to be slaughtered unless they baptised a Catholic. How can good Christians let such call be left unpunished? How can we still tolerate the evil, the wolves in lambs clothing, the followers of a Satan disguised? Now they plot to make the Church of England their tool, for an easy tool to corrupt it shall be, already leaning towards the ways of the Catholics and failing to repent and follow the Godly. Soon the Bishops of England shall be as Bishops from Rome and even such a failing bulwark against the Pope’s Crusade will turn as a weapon in his favour and subject us all to their rule.

From the sermon of the Reverend Simon Cook, Conjurer

… As more enlightenment comes our way and we struggle out of the dark ages past there are those who would yet stifle the magical arts. Over the border, the Scots King would outlaw innocent Christians and condemn those that practise the great and minor arts alike. For he and his Kirk would talk of the Word of God and yet not listen to what Christ has taught us, for while he condemned the witches and magi-priests of the heathens he held no scorn against those who used the arts for the Godly cause. Were there not Jewish Theurgists and Conjurers who faithfully did good and even followed him without having to renounce their ways? Were there I ask you? How can then the Scots Monarch condemn us all to the fiery Gehenna and seek to burn us as we are yet alive?

So those of you who would yet hear the Scots priests and Puritan ideas know that only deceit flows from their mouths; not only their false concern for Scripture must be feared but their wrongful preaching and against the good works of the English Church. I ask you, good Christians, never to be swayed by their false prophets who would take upon them authority ungranted and unsanctioned by Our Lord. Amen.

On the War between England and Spain

Extract from a pamphlet circulated around London. It is signed simply M.K.

…and it appears certain that the Spanish intend to extend the Hand of Friendship unto our Great Nation. War, absent from our shores these long years and bound almost in entirety, may once again be shut behind the Iron Gates.

Yet we must take care, for when has the Hand of the Spaniard been extended in Good Faith (for what Faith in Spain can be Good, as they bow to the Pope), and not holding some Cunning Poison or Blade. Temperence is a Virtue, and Prudence with her, and so in return let us extend a Hand clothed in bands of Iron, that their Poison should not harm it, not their Blade penetrate it.


“I hear that Catholic fellow, you know, the Bishop - has got some special mission from the Pope. He's probably trying to sabotage the monarchy.”

“What is going on with the Invisible College? My friend used to have rooms in a tavern just nearby and said sometimes at night you could hear this weird screaming noise…”

“Remember the Butcher of Oviedo? He sank a ship full of Spanish colonists…yes, I know, Spanish, but still…before war was even declared. He's coming to Court. Been invited and everything.”

“There's a town in the New World where the streets are paved with gold. Riches beyond your wildest dreams…if you can find it.”

“I've heard the Rosicrucians have something.. strange.. in their basement.”

“You know, I heard that Hellfire can be used to create a way into Hell itself and break the boundries that hold our realm safe from Satan's minions.”

“It is said that Sir Alexander Cross was sporting a new kind of headwear around London. It seems that even the King is jealous of his style.”

“Have you been to York Cathedral? It is a building of great marvel, but the crypts sure stink as the pits of Hell!”

“Sir John Tippley of Wallingford may finally acquire the Wargrave lands, he's certainly paid good money for them.”

“The Captain said he'd heard that John Company now have cut a route through the Mediterranean sea straight to India! That's why they're so successful.”

“An Irishwoman in the Order? Well I never thought to see that.”

“Lady Karin Mayer must come from a very wealthy family, if her family believes they can marry off a Dutch lady to a proper Englishman.”