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Eliza Gamut Correspondence - Turnsheet 5

To Baron Wyndham

Your Lordship,

The Trechry of the Earl Marshall and the Folly of the Besoted Prinsess is now Plain to alle Eyes and it is not Strange that Many Talk of a Law to Stop Papists Takinge the Crowne. My Lord the Papists also Spek of such a Law and do so in Good Cheer for they Belive it Wille drive the Catholics of Albion into Rage and Riot. They have Toled their Agents to Strive for such a Law and so I think a Wise Man might Learne much by Watchinge to see who Seeme to Favoure this Law most.

The Order is Mightly Displesd with its Agents for the Flaminge Swerd of Uriel was brot back to Rome by the Anglican Church and not by Papist Agents. The Order of Arundel has also Toled its Agents that if they Finde a Taske Unsuited to them by which I Thinke they Meane Beneath them they Should Spek with the Israel Directorate. This Sound as if a Jew or Jews are being Used by the Order for Skulldugry whether Willingly or no I Cannot say.

They Sceme Still gainst the Archbishop of Edinburgh Hopinge that if it Seeme the Jews have Caused him to Fall into Disgrace then Anglicans and Jews will Set their Teethe in Each Others Throts. Still they Hop to see Prage at War with Albion. That bloody Order also Wishe to Kidnap Johannes Franz and tho they Say they Wishe to Tak him Apart and Finde out how to Fight such Thinges in Future I Rather Thinke that they Hope to Mak more such Men to Fight the Popish Cause. If they Cannot have him they Woulde See him Killd by their Agents. I Cast a Divination on Franz and my Glas Split in Twain showing me on one side a Heap of Dread Machines and on the Other an Old Man who Look'd like both Johannes and the Mad Inventor Franzberg as I have Heared him Describd.

I have Look'd into a Glas to Knowe more of the Moorish Ghost that Thretens the Slepinge Prinse1) to see how he Might be Defended. The Glas Shewd me a Whirl of Images, but from what I Glimpsd I Belive that a Sorceros Exersism Might Helpe the Boy.

The more I Thinke on it the more I Suspect the hand of Master da Silva in this. As I Toled you when he Attended on the Slepinge Prinse I thot I Sawe him try to Borrow the Prinse the way Many Witches Slip their Mindes into the Head of a Hawk or Thrush. Master da Silva has Boasted ere now of his Gift with the Dead and with Ghosts and I Wonder if what I saw was not a Borrowinge but another Spelle that Allow'd him to Pass this Terribl Moorish Ghost into the Yonge Prinse.

Sometimes I See Strings of Wordes Aper again and again in many Star Chartes. Of Late I have many Times Read the Wordes The Lion and the Witch-King Fight for the Princes. It is not the First Time the Stars have Spoken to me of the Witch-King for some Time ago they Give me the Wordes The Witch-King and Son of Albion are one, two, three. The Spirit of Albion oft takes the Forme of a Lione and I Knowe that Master da Silva has been Spekinge with the Spirit of Albion. I Cannot Say for Sure who is the Witch-King but the Man Witch who has best Made a Name for himself is Master da Silva.

If the Yonge Prinse is a Son of Albion and the Witch-King is da Silva or maybe Silva Possest by this Heathen Ghost then perhaps the Sly Spaniard Thot to Mix their Souls like Peint and Control the Prinse. Two Bodies but with Three spirits Merginge into one. Thus the Witch-King and the Son of Albion are one two and also three.

There is another Matter which your Lordship Might Wishe to Drop in the Ear of your Frends in the Rosy Cross. When I was Spekinge with the Jewesse Brandage she Ask'd if I Knewe much of the Rosy Cross and I Sayed Littl only that I Thot they Probly had some Agents at Court. She Made it Plain that she Knewe the Codenames of some Men of the Rosy Cross and Hinted that if I Wisht I could also Knowe them. You Might Telle your Frends to Looke about themselves for it Seeme they have more than one Rat in their Rafters.

My Lord if I Tryed to Telle alle I have Heared I Woulde Spend all my Time Writing and you Reding but your Lordship must Telle me if there is Aught of Particler Interest to Your Lordship.

God Help us alle,

Eliza Gamut

To Father Anthony


If there is Aught you Can doe to Helpe my Case then I Entret you doe it and with Haste I Knowe not if those Beestes still live in my Belly and if they doe then whether they Devor me from within or Seeke to Steale the Appl or to Consort with the Demon in the Fruit or Tainte my very Soule but there can be no Goode in it. If you Thinke that our Join'd Voices can Persude the Angel of Truth to Clense me of them without Burninge me to Charcoal then I Praye you let us doe it. Even if the Spiders are Settld Quiet Like I Littl like the Thot of Takinge yet more Demons as Passengers.

My Stomack has been Trublesome of Late for I think once again I am Neare Spillinge with all I Have Learnt. I Wille Unburden misself to you Father for the Thots must goe Somewhere.

I have Learnt more of the Holy men Calld the 36. It is Passinge Strange for my Angel bfore now Toled me that he had Heared of the 36 Holy Men but thot them just a Legend. A few Days Past However he Talk to me of them as if he Knewe them to be Fact. Most of what he Toled me I Knewe already from the Jewess Brandage, but I Learnt a little more that was New to me. The 36 are also Knowne as the Lamedvavniks or Tzadikim and the Rosy Cross have Spoke of them as the Nistarim. These Men Knowe not what they Are and if they Discover their Nater or Die then they Cese to be one of the 36 and Another Unknowingly Take their Place. The Angel Saye that the 36 Justify mankind to God and Mak him Looke Kindly on us alle tho I Heare that the Rosy Cross thinke that the Nistarim justify the Jews to God and Make him Tret them Welle. The Angel Saye that there is a Place or Bit of Countrey Linkt to each of these Good Men. If the Papist plan to Corrupt one of the 36 come about then no Goode Wille come to that bit of Countrey. The Angel Thinke perhaps they Meane to trap one of the 36 tween Life and Death.

As I have Toled you sometimes in Star Charts there is Strands of Somethinge that has Naught to doe with the Readinge much like a Hair in a Bowl of Soup. Often I Finde the same Hair in many Bowls of Soupe and this oft Meanes that it Showe somethinge of Importance and Weit.

One of the Strands of Late was a Singl Number that of 37. If 36 is become 37 then I Knowe not what it Meane but I Thinke me alle is not Welle and perhaps the Papists have Succeeded in their plans. The Order of Arundel has Toled its Agents that if they Finde a Taske Unsuited to them by which I Thinke they Meane Beneath them they Should Spek with the Israel Directorate. I Knowe not what this Meane but I Mislike it for it Sounde as if either Jews are Workinge with them or perhaps that they have Made one of these 36 Worke their Willes.

I am Stille Spekinge with the Nephilim Jewess Brandage who Seeme to Thinke me Frendly for it is the Best way to Learne what she is doinge. When I told her that I had read 37 in the Stars she Seeme Surprisd and Worried and Gratfull to be Toled.

She has Toled me that her room was Broke into and all she had Writ on the 36 Taken from her Papers. She thot it was done with Helpe of an Angel for she smelt Milk and Honey in her Room. I Knowe not if these Might be Frends of yours Father but in any Case I Belive I have Sent her Suspicons Another way. Brandage also Telle me that an Angel may Finde one of the 36 but only the one that is Closest to the Angel's own Nater.

I have Also Heared from other Sorces that the Rooms of Nicholas Lovecraft was Broke into of Late and the Invisible College Spek of the Matter as if it was Oxford men Boistringe about. If it was not Folks Lookinge for the Bottl of Raguel tho I Would be much Surpris'd.2) The Jewesse Says that it was not her Peple and Says that she has Heared that the Bottl is now in Hell so it may be that that Foole Lovecraft has Solde the Angel to Mammon for a Devil. I Wonder me if Mammon means to use it in Hells war or if he already has Done soe.

Father I have been much Afflict'd with Dark Dreames of Late in which Goat-Headed Devills Hold Councils of War in Shadowy Halls. The Maps they Study with Burninge Eyes Showe no Lands that Livinge Man has ever Walk'd and across them a Red Army Rages against a Black Army. The Goat-Heads Seeme to be Masters of the Black Army but it is the Red that Gains and Gains. I have Spoken with his Lordship Alexander Grey who Telle me that his Roome was till Recently Filld with Littl demons Fleeinge the War. Some of the Rebel Faction did Celebrate for they Sayed that a New Leader had Come amongst them Bringinge New Strength to their Side. If Raguel Truly is the Lords Vengence then a Mighty Wepon he would Mak even in the Foul Hande of a Demon.

I have Look'd into a Glas to Knowe more of the Ghost that Assails the Slepinge Prinse but in my Folly I Ask'd to Knowe how to Defend him gainst the Ghost and Sayd Nothinge more. Whereupon the Glas Tryed to Shewe me alle ways of Defending him until the Pictures Whirlt bfore my Eye like Leafs in a Storm. It did Seeme However that a Sorceros Exersism Might be of Servise.

Another Strande in the Soup of the Star Charts was the Wordes The Lion and the Witch-King Fight for the Princes. It is not the First Time the Stars have Spoken to me of the Witch-King for some Time ago they Give me the Wordes The Witch-King and Son of Albion are one, two, three. The Spirit of Albion oft takes the Forme of a Lione and I Knowe that Master da Silva has been Spekinge with the Spirit of Albion. I Cannot Say for Sure who is the Witch-King but the Man Witch who has best Made a Name for himself is Master da Silva.

I Knowe that you Wishe to think Welle of Master da Silva but I doe not. Not for that he is Spanish tho that is a Count against him nor for that he is a Man Witch tho many of those doe goe a Bit Funny Like. No I Mislike the Spaniard for he Make my Thumbs Prick. I do not Like the way his Eyes Light when he Spek of the Dead. He is a Man who Knowe he is Clever and soe will Always be about Somethinge Clever.

When alle were Lookinge for the Missinge Prinse da Silva Ask'd to see the Slepinge Prinse and whilst he was there Fell into a Swoone. I was there also for Lord Wyndham had Ask'd me to watch Master da Silva and it Seemed to me that he Tried to Borrow the Prinse the way I Sometimes Borrow Magpies or Mice. Now I Wonder if what I saw was not some Other Spell that I have not Master'd and did not Understand Like the Passinge of this Terribl Moorish Ghost to the Yonge Prinse. I had Wonder'd what was Meant by The Witch-King and the Son of Albion are one, two, three. If the Yonge Prinse is a Son of Albion and the Witch-King is da Silva or maybe Silva Possest by this Heathen Ghost then perhaps the Sly Spaniard Thot to Mix their Souls like Peint and Control the Prinse. Two Bodies but with Three spirits Merginge into one. One two three.

The Order of Arundel Stille Sceme and Hiss like a Cauldron Full of Snakes. They Woulde see the Archbishop of Edinburgh Disgrac'd and his Falle Blam'd on the Jews. They Tell their Servantes to Strive for a Law to stop Catholics Takinge the Crown for they Hope the Catholics of Albion Wille rise in Fury. And as I have Sayed bfore they Meane to Kidnap or Murder our Strange Johannes Franz. When I Tryed to Looke into Franz my Glas Crackt and in One Side I saw a Pile of Dredfull Machins and in the other an Olde Man who Look'd a Deal like both Johannes and the Craz'd Inventor Franzberg. If Franz is Franzberg he is a Madman but a Madman Strangely Brot back to Yoth. When I Talkt to him he Spoke of Wakinge bside a Fountain and my Minde Wanders to Tales of the Fount of Yoth which has Putt such a Fever in Mens Mindes.

God Helpe us alle,


1) The Witch-King more usually resident in Philip Silva's head
2) It was the infernal factotum of Haroun ibn Rasheed